Talk:List of Kaisers

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First Era

No. Portrait Regal name Personal name Birth Reign Death Succession Bloodline Note
1 Raynor I.png Kaiser Raynor I Raynor Me'Jiliad Brookshire, bN 1249 bN 1214–1124 bN 1125 Summoned his three children before taking
his life at old age by euthanasia,
announced that Brrapa would succeed him
2 Brrapa I.png Kaiser Brrapa I Brrapa Metzler Me’Jiliad Shirekeep, 1191 b. N. bN 1124–1086 1086 b. N. Metzler
3 Erik I.png Kaiser Erik I bN 1086–1067 Metzler
4 Raynor II.png Kaiser Raynor II bN 1067–1027 Raynor
5 Brrapa II.png Kaiser Brrapa II bN 1027–1016 Metzler Fasted to the point of death in an attempt to place a curse upon the rebellious chieftain who usurped his throne.
6 Nicholas I.png Kaiser Nicholas I bN 1016–995 Grifos
7 Kaiser Paul I bN 995–977 Ly'Technomaezj
8 Kaiser Raynor III bN 977–923 Raynor
9 Kaiser James I bN 923–897 Haiken
10 Kaiser James II bN 897–829 Haiken
11 Kaiseress Isa I bN 829–790 Ballard
12 Kaiser Francis I bN 790–725 Fenrir
13 Kaiser Daniel I bN 725–688 Fenrir
14 Kaiser Paul II bN 688–653 Ly'Technomaezj
15 Kaiser Raynor IV bN 653–608 Raynor
16 Kaiser James III bN 608–565 Haiken
17 Kaiser Trantor I bN 565–493 Ly'Technomaezj
18 Kaiser Edward I bN 493–426 Machiavelli
19 Kaiser Jason I bN 426–403 Steffki
20 Kaiser Loki I bN 403–342 Grifos
21 Kaiser Brrapa III bN 342–320 Metzler
22 Kaiseress Isa II bN 320–248 Ballard
23 Kaiser Paul III bN 248–209 Ly'Technomaezj
24 Kaiser Francis II bN 209–167 Fenrir
25 Kaiser Raynor V bN 167–114 Raynor
26 Kaiser Raynor VI bN 114–84 Raynor
27 Kaiser Santiago I bN 84–22 Metzler
28 Kaiser Nicholas II bN 22–14 AN Grifos
29 Kaiser Raynor VII 14–71 Raynor
30 Kaiser Daniel II 71–98 Fenrir
31 Kaiser Timothy I 98–160 Ballard
32 Kaiser Marcus I 160–195 Alexander
33 Kaiser Marcus II 195–338 Alexander
34 Kaiser Marcus III 338–429 Alexander

Second Era

No. Portrait Regal name Personal name Birth Reign Death Succession Bloodline Note
35 Kaiser Leto I 429–471 Ly'Technomaezj
36 Kaiser Paul IV 471–514 Ly'Technomaezj
37 Kaiser Matthew I 514–515 Everstone
38 Kaiser Edwin I 515–589 Machiavelli
39 Kaiser Timothy II 589–629 Ballard
40 Kaiseress Isa III 629–720 Ballard
41 Kaiser Paul V 720–754 Ly'Technomaezj
42 Kaiser Leto II 754–790 Ly'Technomaezj
43 Kaiser Jason II 790–848 Steffki
44 Kaiser Brrapa IV 848–865 Metzler
45 Kaiser James IV 865–906 Haiken
46 Kaiser Raynor VIII 906–972 Raynor
47 Kaiser Edwin II 972–1047 Machiavelli
48 Kaiser Trantor II 1047–1102 Ly'Technomaezj
49 Kaiser Jason III 1102–1154 Steffki
50 Kaiser Edward II 1154 Machiavelli
51 Kaiser James V 1154–1187 Haiken
52 Kaiser Nicholas III 1187–1224 1224 Killed by his successor Grifos
53 Kaiser Jason IV 1224–1279 Steffki
54 Kaiser Santiago II 1279–1324 Metzler
55 Kaiser Raynor IX 1324–1337 Raynor
56 Kaiser John I 1337–1375 Metzler
57 Kaiser John II 1375–1443 Torn apart by the Shirekeep mob. Deposed by successor Metzler Ab Sectora Condita
Shireroth as vassal of Audentior.

Modern Era

No. Portrait Regnal name Personal name Birth Reign Death Succession Bloodline/House Note
58 Kaiser Erik II 1443–1445 Ly'Technomaezj-Metzler Colonial dependency of Flying Islands of Jasonia (chronology vague)
59 Kaiser Brrapa V 1445–1448 Ly'Technomaezj-Metzler
60 Kaiser Trantor III 1448–1449 Ly'Technomaezj-Metzler
61 Kaiser Gaelen I 1449–1461 Ly'Technomaezj-Metzler Ruled by Commonwealth of Benacia (1455–1458)
Hegemony of Alexandros (1458–1461)
62 Kaiser Brrapa VI 1461–1462 Ly'Technomaezj-Metzler Ruled by The United Republic of Tymaria (est 1461)
63 Kaiser Metzler I 1462–1465 Ly'Technomaezj-Metzler
64 Kaiser Gaelen II 1465–1466 Ly'Technomaezj
65 Kaiser Ari 0 1466 Dissolved in aqua regia Ly'Technomaezj Wore a dolphin skin and bathed in human blood
Well regarded in Babkha.
66 Steward Celestis I Fax Celestis 1466 Haiken
67 Kaiser Mors I 1466–1468 Mortis De facto independence from Tymaria (1466)
68 Kaiser Ikol I 1468 Grifos
69 Kaiser Lacrymosa I 1468 Haiken
70 Kaiser Los I Kian Raynor (birth name)
Kalir Sethan
Kal'ri Sethanion
1468–1469 Kalir
71 Kaiseress Viviantia I 1469–1470 Mortis
72 Kaiser Mors II 1470–1472 Mortis
73 Kaiser Mog I 1472–1473 Grifos
74 Kaiser Letifer I 1473–1475 Grifos
75 Landsraad 1475
76 Steward Nikkolo I 1475–1477 Grifos
77 Kaiser Raynor X 1477–1482 Raynor
78 KA1.png Kaiseress Aurefiction Aurefiction Auraumbre Utasia, 1462 1482–1483 Raynor's Keep, 1483
suicide by snake bite
Banned several bloodlines from succession Steffki
79 Kaiser Meskan I 1483–1484 Steffki
80 Kaiseress Jadie I 1484–1486 Doran
81 Kaiser Mors III 1586–1489 Mortis
82 Kaiser Wylþeow I 1489–1493 Line of Grifos
83 Landsraad 1493 War of the Wylthean Succession
84 Kaiser Lacrymosa II 1493 Haiken
85 Kaiser Los II 1493–1496 Kalir
86 Kaiser Raynor XI 1496–1499 Raynor
87 Kaiser Mors IV 1499–1502 Mortis
88 Kaiser Ari i 1502–1504 Ly’Technomaezj
89 Kaiser Alejian I 1504–1507 Grifos
90 Kaiser Los III 1507–1508 Kalir
91 Kaiser Yarad I 1508–1510 Kalir
92 Kaiseress Semisa I 1510–1512 Haiken
93 Kaiser Letifer II 1512–1514 Grifos
94 Kaiser Alejian II 1514–1518 Grifos
95 Kaiser Meskan II 1518–1519 Steffki
96 Kaiseress Carol I Karol Umm Hipad
Carol, Hypatia's Mom
1519–1524 Doran
97 Kaiseress Hypatia I Hypatia Agnesia 1524–1528 Doran
98 Kaiser Letifer III 1528–1533 Grifos
99 Kaiser Mahamantot I 1533 Win'Eth|
100 Kaiser Mors V 1533–1537 Mortis
101 Kaiser Loki II 1537 Grifos
102 Kaiser Hasan I Hesam Jahandar 1537–1541 Kalir
103 Kaiser Ayreon I Rashid Arsalani Kalirion Shahzamin (Babkha), 1450 1541–1544 Raynor's Keep, 1544
(assisted suicide)
Bad guilt over the Babkhan cession
caused him to name his opponent
Jacobus to the kaisership before killing himself
104 Steward Corey I 1544 van der Sluijs
105 Kaiser Loki III 1544–1547 Grifos
106 Kaiser Reynardine I 1547–1548 van der Sluijs
107 Kaiser Agni I 1548–1551 Raynor
108 Kaiser Erasmas I 1551–1552 Raynor
109 Kaiseress Anandja I 1552–1555 Grifos
110 Kaiser Gaelen III 1555–1557 Ly'Technomaezj
111 Aurangzeb Portrait.png Kaiser Aurangzeb Ardashir Piroz Aurangzeb al-Osmani-Steffki Eliria, 1542 1557–1559 Tasneemia, 1609 Line of Steffki
112 Kaiser Leto III 1559–1561 Win'Eth
113 Kaiser Malarbor I 1561–1562 Ly'Technomaezj
(Doubtful, spurious)
First daemon overlord.
114 Kaiser Mors VI 1562–1564 Mortis
115 Steward Daniel Kalirion Daniel Lla'i Ayreon-Kalirion Nidaros (Stormark), 1542 1564 Andelarion House (Cape Farewell), 1586 Ayreon-Kalirion
116 Kaiseress Anandja II 1564–1565 Mortis
117 Kaiser Ikol II 1565–1566 Kalir
118 Kaiser B'caw I 1566–1567 Mortis
119 Kaiser Ometeotl I 1567–1570 Mortis
120 Kaiser Fish XII 1570–1572 van der Sluijs
121 Kaiser Magni I 1572–1574 van der Sluijs
122 Kaiser Gaelen IV 1574–1577 Line of Win'Eth
123 Kaiser Cedris I Giles Melang Unknown 1577 On the eve of the Landsraad voting
him out of office, he resigned
124 Carl Jackson, Steward.jpg Steward Carl Jackson Novi Nigrad, 1539 1577 Novi Nigrad, 1612 (heart failure) Sanglorian
125 Rei I.png Kaiserin Rei I Aþame Issela Mari Vāstra Miše (Firneramnen), 1529 1577–1579 Abdicated to the Steward Miłarna First alien overlord.
126 Kaiser Reynardine II 1579–1584 van der Sluijs
127 Kaiser Loki IV 1584–1587 Grifos
128 Kaiser Hasan II Jacob Kalir c. 1560 1587–1588 Kalir
129 Kaiser Ayreon II Elijah Danielion Ayreon-Dariolin of Waffel-Paine Huyenkula, 1571 1588–1589 Walstadt, 1598
crucified by Sisera
defection to Free Elwynn
130 Kaiser Wythe I Jonathan Nelson Wythe II 1589–1591 [[Line of Wythe|Wythe
131 Kaiser Yardistanislaus I 1591–1593 Grifos
132 Kaiser Ometeotl II 1593–1594 Mortis
133 Kaiseress Mira Raynora Major Anthrazita Leijchwittchen von Rossheim 1594–1595 Raynor First regnant corpse.
Instigator of the unravelling of Imperial sovereignty and the rise of the Imperial States.
134 Kaiseress Mira Raynora Minor Marie Dolores von Rossheim 1595–1602 Raynor Second regnant corpse.
The Green Mortality begins.
135 Steward Shyriath I 1602 Mortis Spent tenure as hostage of Balarak Alaion.
136 Kaiser Aiomide Aiomide Oqtavion Eliria, 1553 1602–1608 Shirekeep, 1608
Octavius Embraced undeath, passed through Balgurd, returned to the corporeal world with knowledge of the doom of man. Ascended being. Venerated by minor cults.
137 Semisa II.png Kaiseress Semisa II Kessei Aþame Mitēuřamae Anykylin Imar Aňira (Firneramnen), 1380 1608 Abdicated to the Anarch of Yardistan Ašura Second alien overlord.
138 Trantor IV.png Kaiser Trantor IV Spencer Jackson Musica, 1554 1608–1609 Venira (Safirian Micras), 1618 (assisted suicide) Ragequit the throne Sanglorian
139 Landsraad 1609–1610
140 Kaiser Mo'll I Ryabin Merkayastreb 1610–1613 Steffki Enjoyed the popularity that only victims of assassination can lay claim to, in spite of surviving.
141 Kaiser Mors IV Nerrolar 1613–1615 Mortis Third regnant corpse.
Second reign.
142 Steward Stellus Yastreb 1615 Sanglorian Reputedly murdered by the daemonic tree Malarbor.
143 Landsraad 1615
144 Kaiser Sehml Ludwig Drakire
Luix Rakira (Elw)
Lindström, 1560 1615–1617 Demonsfall, 1617 Line of Drak
145 Redquill.png Kaiser Redquill Ryker Everstone Goldendown, 1589 1617–1620 Abdicated Redquill Beginning of the Sxiro-Jingdaoese Confrontation.
146 Kaiseress Isa IV Cassandrae Elsa Kasanrajon (Elw)
Elsa Kassandredottar
Cape Farewell, 1470 1620 Raynor's Keep, 1620 Ayreon-Kalirion
147 Kaiser Ayreon III Mirza Jonathan Merlingsson Ayreon-Kalirion 1620–1623 Ayreon-Kalirion
148 Kaiser Verion I Jacob Darylion-Verion Azshara (Illumination), 1590 1623–1624 Shirekeep, 1632 Verion
149 Landsraad 1624
150 Daniel III.png Kaiser Daniel III Daniel Aňira (Firneramnen), 1584 1624–1629 Abdicated in accordance with Imperial Decree 744 Ašura Third alien overlord.
151 Kaiseress Kizzy Kizzy Drakland Demonsfall, 1597 1626–1629 died 1639, returned 1650 Drak
152 Kaiser Raynor XII 1629–1634 Grifos
153 Brrapa VII.jpg Kaiser Brrapa VII Kaltor Win'Eth 1634–1635 Win'Eth
154 KH.png Kaiser Hjalmar Hallbjörn Haraldsson Port Nevermore (Kildare), 1588 1635–1639 Abdicated in favour of son Audun Joel Sanglorian Wars of the Dark Orchid begin (1635).
155 KHR.png Kaiser Hjalmar Redquill Audun Joel Ayreon-Kalirion Haraldsborg (Stormark), 1616 1639–1642 Eliria, 1651 Abdicated Ayreon-Kalirion
156 Dominus Tarjeisson.png Kaiser Dominus Thorgils Tarjeisson Slevik (Normark), 1593 1642–1644 Raynor's Keep, 1644 Oustfest Massacre Verion
157 Landsraad 1644
158 Kaiseress Noor Noor as-Salaam bint Daniyal
Umra Suleiman Ayreon-Kalirion
ibn al-Majeed al-Osman bin
Sathrati af Ettlingum Freyu
Umm Zahir al-Din of Waffel-Paine
Ardashirshahr, 1604 1644–1650 Ura'Bos, 1650 Murdered by her son Adam Ayreon-Kalirion Wars of the Dark Orchid end (1644).
Benacian Reconquest begins (1649).
159 Kaiser Ayreon IV Vidar Salim Livarson
Ayreon-Kalirion ibn al-Majeed
al-Osman bin Sathrati
of Waffel-Paine
Raynor's Keep, 1645 1650– Ayreon-Kalirion Steward Kyle Kilynn 1650–1651
Steward Liv Dravot 1651–
1st phase of the Benacian Reconquest ends.