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Motto: Еӆуенууеқ наазамнизор!
Elluenuueq naazamnizor!
Elw: Elwynn prevails!
Feudal Status: Imperial State
Capital: Eliria
Largest Cities: Ardashirshahr, Anun, Caligae, Eliria, Fjǫrleifsbýur, Rǫvarsbýur

Local Leadership Title: Prince
Local Government: Republic
Current leader: Eki Verion

Local language: Præta Sxiróþes
Elw language
Local Religion: Bovic Faith
Holy Church of the Divine Icebear
Treesian Unorthodoxy
The political map of Elwynn Proper as it was in the year 1640.
A political map of Elwynn Proper which was gifted to King Noah in the year 1644 by his noble cousin Her Imperial and Bovic Highness Gwyneth Angus-Moonoak of Waffel-Paine, Crown Duchess of the Marches and the Princely Isle.
Elwynn Proper after the partition of the Union by the victorious Imperial Republic in the year 1651.

Elwynn (Elw: Еӆуенууеқ, Elluenuueq [əɬuənuːəχ])) is a region in northern Benacia, generally consisting of the land between the Red and Blue Elwynns, and the associated land northwards to Cape Farewell.

Elwynn has in its history been an Imperial State (1600–1665), an independent state (1567–1600), a Shirerithian duchy (1452–1588, 1509–1562, 1587–1600), barony (1488–1500, 1504–1509), and a county (1500–1504). As an independent county, west Elwynn was a republic with an elected prince. Since rejoining Shireroth, Elwynn kept its independence-era government (1600–1607), then became the Coordinated State of Elwynn (1607–1612), the Democratic People's Republic of Elwynn (1613–1618), a transitional monarchy (1618–1623), and a Vanic state (1623–1651). Since the fall of the Vanic State, Elwynn's governing institutions were eroded by factional infighting and popular unrest, culminating in an Imperial intervention and the partition of Elwynn in 1665.

The name Elwynn comes from a goddess with the same name who originally hailed from the Treesian pantheon. The Elwynnese Republic is noted for its violent and complex history, its significant minority populations, and for its long period of independence from direct Imperial control.


Elwynn has a diverse geography. The North of Elwynn is characterised by mires, thick forests and long mountain ranges. The Counties of Cimmeria and Cape Farewell are partly covered by permafrost. Great forests, such as Phoenix forest, gradually evolve into plains and fields when one travels to the South. The Capital city of Eliria, and surroundings, has a mild inland climate. In the South, steppes and plains dominate the landscape, with mountain ranges and even deserts occuring in Alalehzamn.

The most striking feature of Elwynn is the river of the same name, which provides both a natural resource of fresh water, as well as an opportunity for trade.


See also: Duchy of Elwynn

See also: History of Elwynn

See also: The Modern History of Elwynn


Between 1562 and 1612, Elwynn was ruled as a oligarchic republic by an elected Prince. After the communist revolution the Senate, which had been the mainstay of the republican government, collapsed utterly and was swept away by the Ayreon-Kalirion Restoration, also known as the Nathanielian Restoration, after 1618 which introduced a new constitution with an absolutist form of monarchical government.

After the end of the Froyalan era, Elwynn reorganized itself as the Elwynnese Republic with a new constitution.

Defence and Security

Following the Elwynnese Civil War the Imperial Forces maintain a garrison of three Corps organised into the Northern Banner Group of Benacia Command, a Shirerithian led allied formation maintained by the Raspur Pact.

Supporting these, and providing aid to the civil power, are the Public Order Forces of Elwynn, established by the White Elwynn Accord of 1662. The Public Order Forces are separately commanded by the Commissioners of the Peace, united by their seats on the Council of Eliria, who have responsibility for the Northern League, League of the Midlands, and Southern League, respectively. The force limitation clauses of the Accord prohibit the commissioners to raise more than 120,000 personnel or operate more than 150 Armoured Fighting Vehicles, 50 Artillery Pieces, 8 Surface Combat vessels, 10 Air Superiority Fighters, 10 Multi-Role Ground Attack Aircraft or 5 Transport Aircraft.

The Corps of the Gentlemen-at-Cudgels answers directly to the Prince and is the sole law enforcement agency of the Elwynnese Republic with universal jurisdiction and powers of arrest.

Additional support from Imperial security and law enforcement agencies comes from the Imperial Marshals and the retinues of the Lieutenants of the Steward which may called out by the respective Commissioners of the Peace in their leagues and to support the Corps of the Gentlemen-at-Cudgels nationwide at the invitation of the Prince.


The Elwynnese Republic is divided into several counties, or provinces. These counties, except for the capital county of Eliria are three larger administrative divisions, the Southern League, the Northern League and the Western League.

Subdivision Citizens Denizens Loyal Subjects Community Servitors
Alalehzamin 482,247 40,111,222 0 0 40,593,469
Eliria 304,104 9,188,991 0 0 9,493,095
Iserdia 270,057 25,888,199 0 0 26,158,256
Utasia 189,155 18,991,001 0 0 19,180,156
Agnesia 182,712 18,513,458 0 0 18,696,170
Cape Farewell 105,808 9,846,340 0 0 9,952,148
Araxion 97,153 10,192,888 0 0 10,290,041
Automatica 83,290 8,199,991 0 0 8,283,281
Cimmeria with Illumination 76,863 9,877,991 0 0 9,954,854
Vattnaland 60,328 6,406,145 0 0 6,466,473
Raikoth 30,176 2,001,002 0 0 2,031,178
Total 1,881,893 159,217,228 0 0 161,099,121


See Elw language for more details.

Elw is the language of the indigenous eponymous ethnic group that comprises the largest segment of the population. Owing to the significant ethno-cultural diversity of the immigrant and regional populations of Elwynn there are a great variety of other languages spoken within the Elwynnese Union, these include Babkhi and Kalasperin, Farewellish, and Wintergleamish as well as various Norse dialects.

The Common Tongue serves the necessary purpose of a lingua franca for government business, commerce and day to day living.


It's all over the place man.

Names of Elwynn

For more information on the names for Elwynn as given in the Elw language, see the article Elw titles.

Elwynn has acquired a variety of names over the course of its existence owing not only to the variety of peoples that call it home.:

During the independence era, independent Elwynn was often called West Elwynn, and the Shirerithian Duchy of Elwynn was called East Elwynn. However, for political reasons, independentist Elwynn termed the East "Feudal Elwynn" and itself as Free Elwynn. East Elwynnese authorities called the West Lirikoth Moivaster ("Elwynn that has strayed") or simply "The Eliria Clique".