- This page describes the (more or less) current subdivisions of Shireroth. For more information about historical subdivisions, see History of Subdivisions.
Subdivisions (imperial subjects) are the constituent territories of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth. Each subdivision may have its own culture, history, languages, norms and laws.
Under the Charter, the territory of the Imperial Republic is divided into imperial dominions. Most imperial dominions are further subdivided with a recognized government with autonomy. Such subdominions have various titles, county being the most common.
Previously, Shireroth also had Imperial States, which were completely autonomous in respect of certain reserved matters, and the Imperial Dominions, lands governed directly by the Kaiser in accordance with Imperial Law. It should be noted that under the Lex Provinciarum created by Kaiser Mors IV via Imperial Decree 674 many of the local laws of the Imperial Dominions are preserved and respected.
Imperial Dominions
The Duchy of Akordionnyr
- Emirate of Alalehzamin
- County of Araxion
- City and County of Eliria
- County of Utasia
The Imperial Dominion of Amokolia
- Province of the Amokolian Islands
- County of Automatica
- County of New London
- Province of Mishalan
- Province of Oleslääd
- Province of Vattnaland
The Duchy of Brookshire
- County of Alexandretta (formerly Kralizec)
- County of Azarea and Z
- Viscounty of Azarea
- Viscounty of Z
- County of Caverden
- County of Monty Crisco
- County of Musica
- County of Skyla
Froyalan National Reserve (abbreviated FNR)
The Duchy of Goldshire
- County of Lunaris
- County of Ran
- County of Suthergold
- County of Ynnraile
Imperial Dominion of Kezan (unofficial name to specify inclusion of Hawshire)
- County Palatine of Kezan
- County of Hawshire-Dura
The Duchy of Modan and Malarboria
- Subdivision of Amarr
- Subdivision of Amity, Mirioth and So-Sara (sometimes known as Mirioth, Amity and So-Sara, abbreviated MASS)
- Amity
- Mirioth
- So-Sara
- Subdivision of Florencia
- Isle of Benacia
- Isle of Florencia
- Iridian Isles
- Subdivision of Highpass
- Subdivision of Lachmodan
- Subdivision of Malarboria
- Subdivision of Shimmerspring
The Imperial Dominion of New Blackstone
The Imperial Dominion of the Northern Reaches
- County of Agnesia
- County of Cape Farewell
- County of Illumination
- County of Iserdia
- Territory of Leng
- County of Raikoth
- County of Wintergleam
Territory of Litovina and Porolia
The Imperial County
- City of Shirekeep (takes up all of the territory of the Imperial County)
The Imperial Dominion Under the Administration of the Iron Company
- County of Cimmeria
- County of Elsenar
- County of Fieldburg
The County of Yardistan
- District of Grifonašja
- District of Nordašja
- District of Novi Nigrad
- District of Rantilasta
- District of Sentratera
The Marquessate and Dominion of Zy-Rodun
Imperial Protectorates
- Hither Tellia
- Scoglitto
The State of Talenore