Constitution of the Elwynnese Union

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The Government of Elwynn

The Constitution of the Elwynnese Union is the Supreme Law of the Imperial State of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth which is known as the Elwynnese Union.

Names of the Constitution

In Elw the constitution is called Minuaal Alondoron Adurellion; in Froyalanish and Wintergleamish, the aforesaid basic law is known as Stjórnarskrá Elvýnska Sambandsins; in Babkhi the aforesaid fundamental law is called Minwâl-e Ettehâdiyeye Elvin; in Farewellish the constitution is named h-Elvynnolenzka Sambandeðs Styrnaskraa; in the Amokolian language the supreme law is known as Konstituijtie d'le Joijnie d'l'Elwyjn; in the Norse tongue the basic law is called Den Elvynske Unions Grunnlov.


The Constitution of the Elwynnese Union was instituted by in the year 1618 by the Prince Nathaniel of Elwynn, subsequent to the collapse of the Communist regime, making the Elwynnese Union an absolute monarchy. The institution of the aforesaid Constitution is known as the Ayreon-Kalirion Restoration.


To date the Constitution of the Elwynnese Union has been amended twice:

  • In 1629 when through the amendement of its Chapter IV the Elwynnese Union was elevated from a Principality to a Kingdom;
  • In 1630 when by means of the amendement of Article 12 of Chapter III of the aforesaid constitution the discrimination of non-human sentient beings was prohibited.


Text of the Constitution

Constitution of the Elwynnese Union


1. The Elwynnese Nation establishes a free and sovereign body-politic under the name of Elwynn or the Elwynnese Union.

2. Each and every such man, woman or child sharing affinity or bonds of blood, friendship or law with the Elwynnese Nation, the Lands of the River Elwynn, or with the values of Elwynn, has the divine right of and claim to membership in the Elwynnese Nation in accordance with law.


1. The law, administration and jurisdiction of the Union extend to the whole of its territory under effective control of its Government.

2. The common law, and all other law adopted before this Constitution, remains intact in as much it conforms to the present Constitution.

3. The present Constitution is the supreme law of the land. All things repugnant to it are null and void.

4. The Union has ratified the Charter of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth and is bound by it through this Constitution.

Rights and Freedom

1. All persons are born equally free and independent, and have unalienable rights, among which are the enjoyment and defence of life and liberty and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.

2. No person in the Union, whether born in the country or brought over from across seas or borders, or any person in the Union's protection, may be held, either by law, tradition or other force, to serve any person or entity whatsoever as a slave or labourer, unless bound by the affected person's own clear, objective and continuous consent or by a conviction from an impartial court of law for an act that is an offence under codifed or common law in the Union. No person may, under the same provisions, have his or her freedom, independence or liberty suspended or terminated.

3. No person may be condemned to death. The right to life of a person is inviolable.

4. No person may be subjected to any torture, whether it be corporal or psychological, or to any degrading treatment under any circumstances, for all persons own the right to security of person.

5. Having throughout history longed to know the unknown, all persons enjoy the freedom and right to engage in scientific research, educational activities, all according to law and constitution, and the peaceful practice of religion. No entity of the Union, the media, nor any individual, nor any group of people or entity may compel a person to adhere to any religion, nor to any religious or irreligious beliefs and practices.

6. All persons, being equal to one and another, have the freedom of conscience. They may believe what they will and express such views in a peaceful and considerate manner and not to express them at all. No entity of the Union, nor any other entity, individual or power, may compel a person to reveal his or her feelings on a matter, whether it be politics, religion or personal. Courts of law may, however, compel persons to reveal facts that are relevant to a case in question.

7. Everyone within the Union has right to, without having to purchase it, recourse to the laws for all injuries and wrongs that he or she may have received in person, property or character. The individual enjoys freedom to obtain right and justice freely in conformity with law.

8. Whenever a person is accused or charged in accordance with law with an offence, the person has the right to be presumed innocent until he or she is proved guilty according to law in a trial that is public and impartial.

9. All persons, who by free will reside in the Union, have the freedom of movement in the Union, to choose their own place of residence within the Union, subject to the respect of law, and to emigrate to a foreign country that will receive them.

10. Whenever any form of government instituted among the People of the Union becomes so destructive that it refuses to, or is unable to, respect the rights and freedoms afforded the People whom it serves, it is not only the right of the same People, but duty, to alter or abolish the government and to institute a new institutions and systems of rule, respecting the rights and freedoms as through this chapter dictated.

11. The government of the Union is instituted for the advancement, protection and security of the people of the Union and not, under any circumstances, the particular advantage of any single individual, set of persons, family, or entity, whether within or without the Union.

12. No entity of the Union may favour or disfavour any individual, set of persons, family, entity or group of entities, because of their views, whether political, irreligious or religious, because of their sentient species, sex, nationality, colour, creed, ethnicity, cultural or social heritage or status, economical status, partner or partners in love (whether the love between hearts or the love between bodies), or because of any other reason that may be related to that which is listed here, for all, without exceptions, are equal before the law, are afforded the equal protection of the law, and enjoy the same obligations under the law.


1. The legislative, executive and judicial powers of the Union are entrusted to the King of Elwynn who exercises them with the advice of the Councillors of Eliria.

2. The King appoints Councillors to the Council of Eliria.

3. The term of office of the King is for life, unless he resigns or is removed from office before then. The King decrees an order of succession.

4. The Council of Eliria may, by unanimous vote, remove the King from office.

Final provisions

1. The present Constitution repeals and replaces the Constitution of the Democratic People's Republic of Elwynn.

2. The present Constitution is amended by the King with the advice and consent of the Council of Eliria.