Ludovic Verion

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Ludovic Verion
Full Name: Ludovic Alixion-Verion


Physical Description
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Race: Elfinshi, Babkhi, Norse, Elw
Hair Color and Style: Dark, short
Eye Color: Pale blue
Skin Color: White
Other: Blessed with astounding memory and intelligence

Biographical Information
Father: Alix Verion
Mother: Alissa Al-Osman
Date of Birth: 1624.6192 AN.ASC
Place of Birth: Chryse, Goldshire
Date of Death: N/A
Place of Death: N/A
Current Residence(s): Blackstone
Nationality at Birth: Blackstonian, Natopian
Current Allegiance(s): House of Verion
Occupation: politician, ruler, merchant

Ludovic Alixion-Verion Ph.D. is the curent head of the House of Verion, Lord of Blackstone, Count hereditary of Cimmeria and Illumination (although disputed), Lord Regent of Alrodey and the Grand-Governor of the Iron Company.

Early life

Ludovic Verion was born in Elsenar, Golshire, during a visit of his father to the Imperial Land. His mother was Alissa Al-Osman, a member of the infamous Elwynnese noble house. Ludovic grew up in Wolfraven, Cimmeria, where he received military training was groomed for the position of Count. During this time, he attended Lewis College of the People's Academy of Elwynn in Minas Valhalla, where he obtained degrees in economy, politics and literature. At age 14, Ludovic, a precocious and gifted youth, published an essay critical of the Holy Church of the Divine Icebear and left Cimmeria soon after.

Iron Company

Iron Company coat of arms

Ludovic moved to Goldshire, at first, he began studying for his doctoral exam at the Royal University of Chryste, but soon, he accepted an offer to serve as an apprentice to a private merchant, Joachim Brunswick, and acquired significant wealth under his guidance selling insurance to owners of goldmines. Developing this relationship into an equal partnership, he founded the Iron Company together with Joachim, as a successor of the JM Group and quickly became one of the more established names in the Goldshirithian private life. The vast wealth of the Verion family allowed Ludovic to gain a head-start in trading, and the Iron Company set up several trade missions to Alrodey and Calbion. Ludovic also was instrumental in setting up a private banking system under the flag of the Company. In 1640, he published his dissertation on the Inner Principles of the Insurance in International Shipping and Overseas Trade.

Political Career

After only one year in the business sector, Ludovic moved to Crowsilver and accepted the position of Grand Squire at the court of his aunt, Layla Verion, where he learned much about governance. After his Aunt's disappearance from public life, Ludovic was responsible for introducint the Blackstone Florint to Crowsilver, where it was met with initial scepticism from the local population but later became rather popular among the more progressive members of the Crowsilverian society.

Personal life

As a member of an Imperial family, Ludovic lived an easy life until his 14th year, when his rebellious and innovative character first manifested itself. He is not married and has no children, but has been involved in a romantic relationship with the Goldshirithian violinist Natasia ab Fyodor for a while. However, the tabloids have speculated that Ludovic's first love is money, rather than women.


House of Verion

Kaisers: Verion I, Dominus, Verion II
Steward: Jacob Darylion-Verion
Princess of Elwynn:Eki Verion
Lord of Blackstone: Ludovic
Rulers of Illumination and Cimmeria: Jack, Jacob, Alix, Eki
Progenitor: Elu Verion
Head: Ludovic Alixion-Verion

After Kaiser Hjalmar-Redquill took power, the Verion family was exiled, and Ludovic moved to Alrodey, where his father was Lord Regent. After the passing of Alix Verion, Ludovic succeeded him as Lord Regent. Ludovic also was instrumental in moving the Verion family, together with loyal supporters, to Blackstone island. The Iron Company thenafter became a Chartered Company of Blackstone.
