Cedrism is the state-favoured religion of Shireroth. It consists of a multitude of gods and has staggering pantheon of gods all the way from Mors, God of Death, to Hypotomoose, God of Miscalculations. The Cedrist Temple, located in Mirioth, was presided over by a High Priest who had the final say in all of Shireroth's religious affairs. The temple subsequently fell into ruin during the long dark age of the religion's neglect and its authority has subsequently been usurped by the Temple of Mors in Shirekeep which enjoys the favour of the Kaiser and his Court.
A Member of the Cedrist religion is known as a Cedrist. The religion is named, not for its prophet, the inscrutable and downright eccentric Brrapa Lu'Eraro, but rather his acolyte Cedris, who was the first to attempt to put the faith's precepts and hierarchies into some kind of coherent and comprehensible order. It is a task that, even to this day, remains incomplete and a strain upon the sanity of all who attempt, in the spirit of piety, to undertake the task.
- Cult of the Sacred Detonation - The most high profile sect of Cedrism, namely on account of the noise and craters.
- Imperial Cult - worshipping of the Kaiser as living Demigod.
- Divine Census
- Dæmonic Census
Cedrist Myth And Stories
The Good
- The Transcendi
- The Gods
- The Celestial Temple
- Valhalla
- Brrapa Lu Eraro
- The Sacred Orders:
The Bad
The Great Swords
- The Sword of Vengeance
- The Sword of Fire
- The Sword of Death
- The Sword of Life
- The Sword of Light
- The Sword of Madness
- The Sword of Chaos
- The Sword of Wisdom
The Realms
The Planes
Path of Transcendence (Holy Wisdom)
Path of Descent
Path of Rejection (Heresy)
Hierarchy of the Priesthood
- The Kaiser
- Regem enim sacrificium mors: High Priest (King of the Sacrifice for death) of the Cult of Mors
- Regina sacramenta vitae: High Priestess (Queen of the Sacrament for life) of the Cult of Viviantia
- Imperial Vicar of the Cult of the Sacred Detonation
- Imperial Vicar of the Imperial Cult
- Imperial Vicar of the Cult of Horjin
- Reverend Mother of the Cult of Sakat
- Reverend Mother of the Cult of Alejia
- Imperial Vicar of the Cult of B'Caw
- Thrones of the Cult of Mors
- Vicars of the High Gods
- Paines of the Cult of Mors
- Lords of the Cult of Mors
- Vicars of the Lesser Gods
- Masters of the Cult of Mors
- Temple Officiants
- Apprentice of the Cult of Mors
- Temple Acolytes
- Initiates of the Cult of Mors
- Initiates to Temple
Sacred College
The Sacred College is the highest doctrinal authority of the Cedrist Church and superintends all aspects of the faith including the moral behaviour of its congregations and the rituals of worship.
Because the number six is sacred to Mors, the Sacred College of the Cedrist Church, the highest ecclesiastical authority, comprises of the Kaiser, the King of the Sacrifice, the Queen of the Sacrament, and the Imperial Vicars for the Cult of the Sacred Detonation, the Imperial Cult and the Cult of Horjin. As Holy Wisdom is essential for the maintenance of proper order in a balanced universe, the Reverend Mother of the Cult of Sakat also attends the Sacred College as a non-voting member who advises the Kaiser and who can vote in his absence.
- Soloralism
- Cult of the Descendi
- Catologism
- The Oracle & Cult of Loki
Famous Cedrist Sites of Shireroth
- Temple of Mors in Shirekeep
- Esagila of Raynor in Shirekeep
- House of Sakat in Shirekeep
- Yoni Temple Complex in Modan-lach