Divine Census of Cedrism
The Divine Census of Cedrism is a comprehensive list of the gods and demigods venerated by the official sects of the faith. There is significant variety, owing to local and regional beliefs. Cedrism being essentially a decentralised religion with no formal structure, with each god having its own self-declared priests and acolytes, this list presents a thorough overview, designating regional worship where relevant, though the adherents of individual gods or groups of gods may disagree with the worship of others on this list.
The Divine Census
The Gods
This is a list of all the known gods.
- Agni: God of Fire
- Alejia: Goddess of Passion and Fury
- Aliasa: Goddess of Cartographic Function
- Anandja: Goddess of Bliss and Happiness
- Antialiasa: Goddess of Cartographic Beauty
- Apostrophe: Goddess of Grammar
- Ari: The Dolphin-God of Unix and Laziness
- Atheisticus: God of Atheism and Protector of Atheists
- Atju: God of Mergers
- Ayreon: God of Music
- B'caw: God of Spicy Chicken
- Biternion: God of Improbability (Twin brother of Qarbinion)
- Bourne: God of Scripting
- Breiza: Goddess of Peace
- De Morgan: God of Logic
- Einwin: God of Physics and Darwinism
- Eris: Goddess of Discord
- Fax: God of Communications
- Fiero: God of the Fires of Destruction
- Finanzia: Goddess of Finance
- Gaelen: God of Technology
- Hasan: God of Wisdom
- H'Graa: God of Wrath
- Homer: God of Poets and Slackers
- Horjin: Tiger-God of Hunting
- Ifni: Goddess of Luck
- Ikol: God of Tranquility
- Insomnis: God of Unrest
- Joao: God of Feasts
- Lacrymosa: God of Imbalance and Excess
- Los: God of Justice
- Lukedu: God of Explosives
- Lumina: Goddess of Light
- Maju: God of Illusions
- Malarbor The Evil Tree-God of color
- Meskan: God of Enlightenment
- Mog: Moogle-God of Political Blunders
- Mo'll: God of Wildfires, Rain, and Agriculture
- Mors: God of Death
- Murphy: God of Sarcasm and Cynicism (also known as Melvin)
- Nelig: Wolf-Goddess of Beasts
- Ra: The Sun-God
- Sakat: The Squid-God of Time (patron God of historians)
- Stora: God of Legends
- Semisa: Goddess of Reincarnation
- Sephiroth: God of Warriors and Soldiers
- Somnis: God of Sleep
- Tempestas: Daughter of Mo'll and Ulimahinacua; Goddess of of Storms or Sudden Weather
- Tempus: God of War
- Terra: Goddess of Rock and Mountains
- Tex: God of Documents And Writing
- Ugh: God of Depression and Misery
- Ulimahinacua: Goddess of the Moon, Tides and Menstruation
- Viviantia: Goddess of Life
- Zahnrad: God of Tools
The Demi-Gods
This is a list of the lesser Gods known as Demi-Gods. Demi-Gods are Transcendi who have not fully achieved God status or power. Demi-Gods still have access to the Celestial Temple and many are still revered as full Gods in local settings. Often a Demi-God will be referred to as a God without any problems since they are almost the same thing. The Gods do not look down upon the Demi-Gods, instead they see them as equals in the Celestial Temple.
- Amicyk: Demigod of Instant Messenging
- Bob: Demigod of Underused Names
- Elwynn: Goddess and patroness of the eponymous Imperial State
- Fish: Demigod of Goldfish (Oddly a Dæmon Fish of Balgurd)
- Frank T. Dugford: Demigod of Canned Fruit
- Glaukops: Goddess of Nearsightedness.
- Gouda: Demigoddess of Cheese
- Hypotomoose: Moose-Demigod of Miscalculations
- Jeff: Demigod of Biscuits
- Juxly: Demigod of Pop-Ups
- Krond: Sword-Wielding Demigod of Blacksmiths
- Minarbor: Inoffensive Shrub Demigod of Pastels
- Navi: Demigoddess of Small Annoyances
- Ryvenna: Virgin Demigoddess of Kink
- Sagittarius: Demigod of Archery
- Señor Mysterioso: Cat-Demigod of Parking
- Qarbinion: 42nd-Demigod of Numbers
- Quixy: Demigoddess of Madness
- Penryn: Demigod of Shieldplay
- Segovia: Demigoddess of Swordplay
- Shiek: Ninja Demigoddess of the Night
- Rutaus: Demigod of Spearmen
- Torat: Demigod of Vision
- Tux: Penguin-Demigod of Linux
- Wyltheow: Demigod of Unusual Names
The Local Gods
- B'caw: God of Spicy Chicken
- Yoktarh and Kohlarh: Gods of lost items (Laqi)
- Yuuurgh: God of oddness (Laqi)
- Horjin: Tiger-God of Hunting
- Nelig: Wolf-Goddess of Beasts
- Leviatan: Kraken-God of the Sea-Beasts
- Pherenetau: Tree-God of the Hearth. Keeper of the Tree of Tales, home of the Brookshiran Gods
- Sagittarius: Demigod of Archery
- Penryn: Demigod of Shieldplay
- Segovia: Demigoddess of Swordplay
- Rutaus: Demigod of Spearmen
- Torat: Demigod of Vision
- Elwynn: Ascended personification of the Imperial State. Object of Treesian, Elwynnese and Froyalanish fixation.
Imperial Lands
- Raynertoo: God Of Ideas That Sounded Good At The Time
- Todo: The capricious consort of Raynertoo, a goddess who keeps a list of accumulated good ideas that have not been acted upon and who torments her supplicants with daily reminders of what has been neglected. Also accompanied by an annoying dog - Toto - who nips the heels of the laggardly.
- Frank T. Dugford: Demigod of Canned Fruit
- Krautgot: Demigod of Sauerkraut
Mar Sara
- Zahnrad: God of Tools
Divine Families
Several of the Gods are related to each other by blood. The following are the known Divine Families.
House of Balance and Chaos
- Eris: Goddess of Discord
- Daughter of Loki.
- Ifni: Goddess of Luck.
- Patron of risk-takers. Sister of Ikol
- Ikol: God of Tranquility
- Brother of Ifni
House of Life and Death
- Breiza: Goddess of Peace
- Sister to Viviantia
- H'Graa: God of Wrath
- Krond: Sword-Wielding Demigod of Blacksmiths
- Son of Sephiroth.
- Mors: God of Death
- Husband to Viviantia
- Meskan: God of Enlightenment
- Semisa: Goddess of Reincarnation
- Sephiroth: God of Warriors and Soldiers
- Patron God of guys with long hair. Son of Tempus
- Tempus: God of War
- Brother to Mors
- Viviantia: Goddess of Life
- Wife of Mors
House of Light
- Lukedu: God of Explosives
- Son of Maju and Lumina
- Lumina: Goddess of Light
- Maju: God of Illusions
- Father of Lukedu and husband of Lumina
- Malarbor The Evil Tree-God of color
- Patron of the forum-colors and Bastard child of Lumina
House of Numbers
- Biternion: God of Improbability
- Twin brother of Qarbinion
- Hypotomoose: Moose-Demigod of Miscalculations
- Qarbinion: 42nd-Demigod of Numbers
- Twin brother of Biternion
House of Words
- Sakat: God of Historians and squid-god of Time
- Twin brother of Stora
- Stora: God of Legends
- Twin brother of Sakat
Types of Gods
Many of the Gods can be organized by the type of god they are.
Artistic Gods
Gods having to do with art, culture and literature.
- Ayreon: God of Music
- Gahg: The Evil Lizard God of Spelling
- Homer: God of Poets and Slackers
- Krond: Sword-Wielding God of Blacksmiths
- Lukedu: God of Explosives :Patron God of Fireworks
- Malarbor The Evil Tree-God of color
- Tex: God of Documents And Writing
Business Gods
Gods having to do with business and money.
- Patron God of Monopolies
Culinary Gods
Gods having to do with food, cooking and eating.
- B'caw: God of Spicy Chicken
- Frank T. Dugford: Demigod of Canned Fruit
- Gouda: Demigoddess of Cheese
- Jeff: Demigod of Biscuits
Elemental Gods
Gods of the elements of the world, such as earth, rain, wind, fire, etc...
- Agni: God of Fire
- Fiero: God of the Fires of Destruction
- Lumina: Goddess of Light
- Ra: The Sun-God
- Ulimahinacua: Goddess of the Moon, Tides and Menstruation
- Mo'll: God of Wildfires, Rain, and Agriculture
- Terra: Goddess of Rock and Mountains
- Tempestas: Daughter of Mo'll and Ulimahinacua; Goddess of of Storms or Sudden Weather
- Known to the Hunters of the Stag as the Earth-Mother)
Emotional Gods
Gods of human emotion and feelings.
- Alejia: Goddess of Passion and Fury
- Patron Goddess of Lovers
- H'Graa: God of Wrath
- Murphy: God of Sarcasm and Cynicism
- Ryvenna: Virgin Goddess of Kink
- Ugh: God of Depression and Misery
- Quixy: Demigoddess of Madness
Logical Gods
Gods of human logic, reason and the sciences.
- De Morgan: God of Logic
- Einwin: God of Physics and Darwinism
- Hasan: God of Wisdom
- Hypotomoose: Moose-Demigod of Miscalculations
Militant Gods
Gods having to do with War, combat, weapons and death.
- Fiero: God of the Fires of Destruction
- Horjin: Tiger-God of Hunting
- Krond: Sword-Wielding Demigod of Blacksmiths
- Lukedu: God of Explosives
- Patron God of explosive weapons.
- Mors: God of Death
- Sephiroth: God of Warriors and Soldiers
- Shiek: Ninja Demigoddess of the Night
- Tempus: God of War
Political Gods
Technological Gods
Gods of Technology.
- Only God that can actually EAT the Dæmon Fish of Balgurd
- Patron God of fax machines.
See also: Dæmonic Census, Religion