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Location: Highpass
Type: Urban Ward
Population: -

Governor: Corporation of Rhodondra

Religion: Cedrism

Garrison: Public Order Troops

Places of Note: Horse trading fair
Date of Founding: Antiquity

The City of Rhodondra is the largest city, and administrative capital of the County of Highpass. It is named after the local deity, Rhodondra, goddess of purple flowery things.

Throughout the history of Highpass, Rhodondra and Spleazure have competed for the position of administrative capital. Rhodondra was chosen because of its symmetrical design and proximity to Shirekeep.


Rhodondra is the Highpassian demi-goddess of purple flowery things. The City of Rhodondra contains many shrines to her, including the famous Exploding Mound of Rhodondra.

Her brother, Spleazure, god of broken limbs is her enemy. Many legends of the County of Highpass stem from the battles between Rhodondra and Spleazure.