Ministry of the Interior

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Ministry of the Interior
Seal MiniInt.png
Jurisdiction: Shireroth
Headquarters: Shirekeep

Commissioner: Eki Verion
Minister of the Interior

Subordinate Agencies: Office of Bounties and Factorage
Office of Information

The Imperial Ministry of the Interior (MinInt), sometimes "...for the Interior" was until 1666 an executive agency of the Imperial Government.

In charge of all civilian interior affairs of Shireroth. Merger in 1608 of Ministry of Information and Ministry of Immigration and Naturalization. Belonged 1624–1629 to the Ministry of State.

Merged with the Ministry of Military Affairs in 1666 to become the Ministry of the Interior and Defence.


Tenure Minister
1663–1666 Soraya Octavius-Parini
1661–1663 Hartmut Aldric
1657–1661 Eki Verion
1653–1657 Michael Verion
1651–1653 Lord Myn
1650–1651 Count Armin Jamal-Arminzadeh
1648–1650 Altea Lomax
1645–1648 Prince Kyle Kilynn
1644–1645 Ludovic Alixion-Verion
1642–1644 Count-Palatine Mira Octavius-Aryani
1639–1642 King Noah of Elwynn
1629–1639 Princess Fjorleif of Amokolia
1624–1629 "Minister of State"
1622–1624 Vilhelm Benkern
1616–1622 Prince Janus Eadric of Neridia
1613–1616 Aasmund Vigeland
1608–1613 Lord Deimos Jasonides
Ministries of the Imperial Republic

Ministry of the Interior SealMiniInt.png - Ministry of Military Affairs Logo military of shireroth.png- Ministry of the Exterior Seal miniex.png
Office of Information Office of Information.png - Office of Bounties and Factorage OCSLCF.png - Imperial Forces Imperial Forces.png