The Journey to the West

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The Journey to the West is an Elwynnese account of the Assize of the Vale of Angularis ordered by the Arandur of Alalehzamin and Utasia in the Elw Year of 1639. The Assize was unique in that it combined an inspection of estates, the confirmation of officials in their posts, the administration of justice and a campaign to eradicate the Brotherhood of Lest and the Dark Orchid Society, the latter of which, at that time, operated openly in the Barrowlands of the far west of the Vale.

Gathering of the Expedition

Thorgils Tarjeisson gathered a number of his retainers and the Emirati Riddare at the Palace of One Thousand Columns in the City of Ardashirshahr on the day of Izillare the 8th of Gevraquun in the year 1639. He was joined there by volunteers recruited from the Norse community and by Babkhi native levies. The Arandur also put out a request for volunteers from the Cudgellers, the UDF and the Vanic Temple Guard to help with public order duties and to provide security for the Arandur and his travelling retinue during their progress.

Lord Adam was also invited to attend as he had often been promised the opportunity to go hunting in the Forest of Angularis and it was judged that he was now old enough to spectate even if not quite ready to participate in a wolf hunt.

Because of their prior acquaintance with the Vale, the lie of the land and the nature of its various malefactors and malcontents, the Simrani Sisters, Isabella and Miranda were invited to participate along side Miranda's husband, Tokaray al-Osman, who had recently been granted a permit to visit Ardashirshahr in order to be with his Aunt Turandokht Osmania at her death.

Miranda's children from her first marriage; Daniyal Anders (aged 10), Frederik Anders and Royston Anders (both aged 9) were sworn to the Arandur as his pages and fostered into his extended household or Familia.

On Reire the 9th of Gevraquun a writ was served by the Arandur to his employee, Deimos Jasonides, the Secretary of the ESB-Jörmungandr Group, ordering him to to depart from Teldrin and take over responsibility for organising the logistics of the expedition and to organise their transportation across the Blue Elwynn.

That same day a skiff, carrying the Arandur's loyal henchman Daniyal Dravot, was sent across the Blue Elwynn to seek out the nearest SEKEF outpost to ask that the company send an emissary to Ardashirshahr to explain to the Arandur the nature and extend of its holdings in the Vale and along the Southron Shore.


The Assize would see the Arandur complete a full circuit of the Vale of Angularis beginning in Eribazistaan and ending in Azeroth

Crossing the Elwynn