The Landsraad

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The Imperial Republic of Shireroth
New flag Shireroth.png

The Kaiser - The Steward
The Landsraad - The Praetor - The Imperial Judex
Imperial Forces - Imperial Marshals
Imperial States - Imperial Dominions - Counties

The Charter
Imperial Decrees - The Lawbook

Ministry of the Exterior
Ministry of the Interior
Ministry of Military Affairs

Sir John Metzler III University
Cedrist Church - Church of Elwynn
Holodomatic School - Zurvanism

The Lands
Elwynnese Union - Kingdom of Goldshire
County-Palatine of Kezan - Kingdom of Malarboria

The Landsraad

The Landsraad is the legislative body of Shireroth. It is primarily made up of the Dukes of the land, but over time has come to include the Barons of Shireroth. At one point Counts were also allowed into the Landsraad but this is no longer practiced. Recently, Ministers of Shireroth have been allowed to speak in the Landsraad on issues related to their ministry, but are not allowed to vote, unless they are also a noble. This came into effect from the Implied Summons Bill created by Fax Celestis, after a fiasco where he spoke in the Landsraad when he should not have. The Landsraad is overseen by a Praetor who acts to organize, tally and close votes.

The word "Landsraad" is ultimately from the Danish, meaning 'council of the land'. It was imported via the Dune novels by Frank Herbert.

Current Composition

Since the approval of the Procedures of the landsraad 3236 the Landsraad works with money to calculate the votes. 1 erb = 1 vote.

The more money a Duchy has, the more votes in the Landsraad.

Duchy of Brookshire

Duchy of Kildare

Duchy of Yardistan

Duchy of Elywnn

Duchy of Straylight

The Lansraad has ruled (briefly) in place of the Kaiser

Preceded by:
Letifer I
Succession of the Shirithian Kaisership
Succeeded by:
Nikkolo I

Preceded by:
Wylþeow I
Succession of the Shirithian Kaisership
Succeeded by:
Lacrymosa II