Barony of Dolor

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Flag dolor.png

[[Image:{{{coat of arms}}}|100px]]

Feudal Status: Barony
Capital: Cercé
Largest Cities: Alexandretta, Shirekeep

Local Leadership Title: The Baron
Local Government: Feudal
Current leader: Erik Metzler

Local language: English
Local Religion: Cedrism


The Flag of the {{{nameofbarony}}}

Baron: {{{nameofbaron}}}
Date of Succession: {{{dateofsuccession}}}
Duchy: Brookshire
Counties: Alexandretta, Monty Crisco, Caverden, Woodshire
Capital: {{{capital}}}

The Barony of Dolor, is a barony within the Duchy of Brookshire, and consists of the Counties of Monty Crisco, Alexandretta, Woodshire and Caverden. It is currently ruled over by Erik Metzler who is also the Count of Monty Crisco and Duke of Brookshire.


The Barony of Dolor borders the southern bank of the River Elywnn, and controls the land found inside the main fork of the river, which also contains the City of Shirekeep. To Dolor's south it is bordered by the Brookshire barony of K'Tzuni, while on the western most border can be found the Brookshire barony of Solecism. To the north-east can be found the Brookshire barony of Vorpmadal and to the direct north the Brookshire barony of Ynnraile. Beyond Shirekeep, to the north-west can be found the Duchy of Elwynn.

The Shireroth capital city of Shirekeep can be found in the North-Westerly most extreme of the barony.