Imperial Proclamation: My granny is dead

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This Imperial Proclamation, entitled My Granny is Dead, was delivered orally by Kaiser Ayreon IV. What follows is a careful transcription of the Kaiser's proclamation.


My granny's dead. I'm kaiser now.

I'm very sad. My granny was good. She gived me hugs and chocolate.

I want my granny. But she's dead.

Thanks, Kyle, for take care of me. You're the best. You'll do real good.

Uncle Aldin, come back. I miss you. Granny loved you. I love you.

Grandpa – thank you for hug me when they telled us granny was dead. You're a good king. I'm sorry you cried. I cried too. I'm sorry.

Layla, thank you for everything. You'll be a good queen in Goldshire.

My mummy is bad. I don't want you here. My dad's a bad man, too. I'm happy he's dead.

I hope I'll be good now that I'm kaiser.

Okay, that's everything, I think. Bye.