Imperial Decree 814

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IMPERIAL DECREE 814: Official Immigration Policy

Hear! Hear!

WHEREAS We wish to keep the Imperial Republic of Shireroth firmly onto the Golden Path towards a more pleasant community of mature and stable persons which is devoid of various forms of uncivil behaviour. A place where the earth exults, the sky laughs and everything is full of milk, of honey, and of nectar, and in which the Shirithian Citizenry shall feel good and safe when exercising their Liberté de Vivre and making their invaluable contributions to the national project;

AND WHEREAS it is Our further Imperial Wish and Desire that the Siblinghood of the Shirithian Nation be based on the virtues of elegance, politeness, civility, grace, Societal Harmony, and wisdom as well as the values of willingness to build consensus, recognition of creative domain, respect for your fellow sentient beings great and small, and respect for hard work;

LET IT THEREFORE BE KNOWN throughout the Lands of the Golden Mango Throne that:

1. Shireroth's open-door immigration policy hitherto in effect is hereby consigned to the dustbin of history and in consequence thereof shall Shirithian Citizenship from henceforth only be conferred upon those applicants of whom it is deemed that they are fit and proper persons for Shirithian Citizenship and their presence among the membership of the Siblinghood of the Shirithian Nation is conductive to the Good of the Imperial Republic.

2. From this day forth shall any person applying for membership in the Siblinghood of the Shirithian Nation be put through a rigorous process of vetting to establish whether zie is a fit and proper person for life in a creative national community which is based on elegance, politeness, civility, grace, Societal Harmony, and wisdom as well as the values of willingness to build consensus, recognition of creative domain, respect for one's fellow sentient beings great and small, and respect for hard work, and also that zir presence among the membership in the Siblinghood of the Shirithian Nation is conductive to the Good of the Imperial Republic.

3. The process of vetting mentioned in Article 2 of this Our Imperial Instrument shall be undertaken based on the potential immigrant's conduct as a foreigner, both as guest in Shireroth and beyond the borders of the Lands of the Golden Mango Throne.

4. The competent authority, to wit: Us or Our Minister of the Interior, may take any measure or institute any policy zie deems necessary or expedient with regard to the vetting process.

5. When the competent authority is, somewhere into the process of vetting, satisfied that an applicant is a fit and proper person who meets the requirements of Article 2 the competent authority shall confer Denizenship upon the applicant. Should the competent authority be satisfied otherwise, zie shall deny the application.

6. Denizenship shall give an applicant the privilege to participate anywhere in the Imperial Dominions of Shireroth, save for the Landsraad and those forums which are off-limits to non-Citizens. It may be revoked by the competeny authority at any time.

7. The competent authority shall continue to scrutinize the conduct of an individual during zir period of Denizenship.

8. The competent authority may subsequent to the passing of at least one Elw year after the conferment of Denizenship upon a applicant confer Shirithian Citizenship upon such person in the event that zie has behaved zirself well.

9. We do hereby declare and confirm that any person not a Citizen of Shireroth who misbehaves in the Imperial Dominions of Shireroth or whose removal from the aforesaid Imperial Subdivisions of the Lands of the Golden Mango Throne is otherwise conductive to the Good of the Imperial Republic shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of Imperial Decree #699 which was issued by Our Imperial Brother the Good Kaiser Ayreon III.

10. The Tower of Bureaucratic Despair shall maintain a list of persons who have been deported from the Imperial Dominions of Shireroth under Imperial Decree #699.

"May the lion not hurt you during Love's Great Adventure!"

Deeds of Tuuler Kalir and Björka Hnossdóttir through their descendants!


So Decreed in this Six Thousand Two Hundred and Thirtieth Year since the Founding of the Sector by the Hand Imperial of Hjalmar Redquill at the Kaiseral Court at Raynor's Keep.