Imperial Decree 785
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IMPERIAL DECREE 785: Our Imperial Ministers and Imperial Advisory Councillors
Hear! Hear!
We do by this Our Imperial Instrument declare that from henceforth Our Imperial Ministers shall be:
Minister of the Interior: The Princess of Anun; Minster of the Exterior: The Jarl of the Seven Ports; Minister of Military Affairs: The Arandur of Alalehzamin and Utasia.
We do furthermore by this Our Imperial Instrument declare that from henceforth, in addition to Our Imperial Ministers, Our Imperial Advisory Councillors shall be:
The King of Elwynn; The Queen of Goldshire; The Queen of Lichbrook; The Lord Bukolos; Ms. Altea Lomax.
So Decreed in this Six Thousand One Hundred and Twenty-First Year since the Founding of the Sector by the Hand Imperial Hjalmar Heirðrson at the Kaiseral Court at Raynor's Keep.