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Official language: English, Hurmumol, Hurmu Norse, Lontinian
Capital: Huyenkula
Largest Cities: Ghawlama, Kaupang
Date founded: {{{date_founded}}}

Number of citizens: {{{population}}}
Number of active citizens: {{{active}}}

Independence: {{{independence}}}
Government: Democratic
Current leader: Talsin Baarrnan
Currency: {{{currency}}}

Demonym: {{{demonym}}}
National animal: {{{animal}}}
National fruit/food: {{{fruit}}}
National drink: {{{drink}}}
Nation's Total GDP: {{{GDP}}}


Hurmu is a Shirerithian territory located in two different areas of Micras: the Lake District of Hurmu in northern Lyrica, bordering Stormark, and Lontinien, bordering Gralus, along the River Glacei and the Gulf of Ghawlama. The capital of Hurmu is Huyenkula.

Established as a sovereign republic (Hurmu Republik) by ancient tribes in ASC 1251 (8 January 2003), the new country's first appointed leaders of the nation being Hallgrím Aðalgeirsson, the president, and his foreign minister Josh Aradoika.

1. History

Daniel Llai, then known as Ric Lyon, had for some years been working on a language called Hurmumol when he saw a thread on micronational languages on MNO. Although today the thread itself is lost, memory tells us that Daniel translated songs and works of religious character which he posted in the thread. At this point, the language itself was not intended to be micronational; Daniel did then not belong to any nation at all. He was merely a lurker.

A few months later, Daniel and his real-life friend Josh began looking at micronations. This was after Daniel's try-out in Lykosha, Puritania, the united Menelmacar and Babkha, both Daniel and Josh felt that micronations, although seemingly fun, needed some intrigue and stir. They established Hurmu Republik as a joke nation, not intending it to last long. Claiming land on the Lyrican continent, they based the city names of Hurmu on nonsense sounds with only two places having definite etymologies: the city of Tjotahiti and the capital Lyrica City. Tjotahiti comes from the Swedish expression fara Tjotahejti ("to travel to end of the world", lit. "to travel as far as to Tahiti") and Lyrica City was the ruins of the former capital city of the Lyrican Republic, a nation that Hurmu later did not go even with.

While Daniel, having taken the Hurmu/Icelandic name of Hallgrím Aðalgeirsson, went on a Micras-wide tour, posting nonsensical posts here and there with poor grammar but with a joyful sentiment, Josh established the first homepage of Hurmu.

On citizenship: If you are serious about joining Hurmu Republik, you should live in Lyrica City. Those who wish to join, but on serious basis, may do so. But in that case: Make sure that you live in Huyakula or Tjotahiti or YaQri or Hurahaeng. To join you must post a message in our migration forum. If we are interested in you, we will answer. If you haven't received an answer, please contact the Hurmu Psycological Clinic.

On the constitution, laws, and "Juridical system:" As same as the Republic of Iceland, but make sure when you read the constitution of the Reoublic of Iceland, but we do have our own Constitution. All Icelandish laws are applicated in Hurmú aslong as they serve our constitutoin in good manners. The High Court who is the only member of the court, which consists of the member, appointed by the President of the Hurmu Republik.

While not having a Norse identity at all -- the language of Hurmu being an artificial language without genetic links to any language of the Earth -- the name of the president and the references to the "Icelandish laws" forever cemented in foreigners' eyes an idea that Hurmu indeed was Norse in culture, something that Hurmu quickly picked up on and used in its own advantage. Cranda was the first country to use Hurmudans in its mythos.

Now Hurmu was rising in prominence (Well, if you can call whatever Hurmu did or didn't in those days as prominence – Hurmu was not taken really seriously, but still was a close-knit community of people who enjoyed being Hurmudans). Hurmu quickly doubled in size after the immigration of Ari Rahikkala and Thoenen Helios, both of whom would play a significant part in Hurmu's later history.

Each and every visitor to Hurmu received their own custom title, usually done in a humorous manner, but sometimes serious. Kuralyov received the title “Baracãoan Beauty” and Archetype23 “Servant of Chiquita”.

Leaders of Hurmu

Name Tenure/Reign Title
Hallgrím Aðalgeirsson 1476–1479 President of Hurmu Republik
Richard Lyon 1479–1487c Governor of the Hurmu Territory (Menelmacar)
Richard Lyon 1487c–1489 Governor of the Hurmu Territory (Cranda)
Thoenen Helios 1489–1497 Leader of the Parlerment
Richard Lyon 1497–1500 Baron of Hurmu
Troy Tomsohnd 1500–1502 Baron of Hurmu
Harald of Ettlingar Freyu 1502–1505 Baron of Hurmu
Harald of Ettlingar Freyu 1505–1512 Prince of Hurmu
Andelarion 1512–1524 Prince of Hurmu
Aoife the Celt 1524–1550 Queen of Hurmu
Andelarion 1524–1535 Chairman of the Senate
Cashmaiel Andelarion 1543–1550 Chairman of the Senate
Ionel Constantinescu 1550–1554 Chairman of the Senate
Talsin Baarrnan 1554–1558 Chairman of the Senate
Talsin Baarrnan 1558–1561 Valdi of Hurmu
Daniel Kalirion 1561–1563 Valdi of Hurmu
Daniel Kalirion 1563–1574 Prince of Hurmu
Daniel Kalirion 1574–1586 Prince of Elwynn, Amokolia and Hurmu
Nathan Dariolin 1586–1589 Prince of Elwynn, Amokolia and Hurmu
Elijah Ayreon 1590–1592 Prince of Elwynn, Amokolia and Hurmu
Sindre Nemnai 1592–1600 Primus inter pares of the Order of the Holy Lakes
Sindre Nemnai 1600–1603 Chairman of the Senate
Vilhjalm Kormak 1603–1652 Chairman of the Council of Elders