Esagila of Raynor

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Esagila of Raynor: One of Shirekeep's more dubious landmarks...

The Esagila of Raynor is a remarkably oversized, and assuredly not ominous, stepped Pyramid in the heart of the Ancient City of Shirekeep. It was build in the 15th century by the Adepti of the Church of the Machine God, the Cult of Mors and other sects too reclusive and dubious to identify with any reasonable level of precision. For years it had been the main hub for these sects that mostly operated outside mainstream Cedrism.

In later years, the Esagila has become a point of gathering for criminal gangs and secret societies that used the building to plot their devious and rebellious acts. The official religious function of the building prevents the City Guard from regular controlling of the place. Shirekeep's government, by word of Titus Morvayne who serves as the current Prefect, has supported the status quo, stating that "Religious liberty is a central right in the city of Shirekeep, and we are not going to bother peaceful worshippers, unless they belong to any foreign sect." Rumours that the Morvayne-alligned Brotherhood of the Shadow-Star had taken residence in the Esagila emerged soon after the announcement.