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County Palatine of Kezan
CivilFlag CPK.png

Kezan seal (new).png

Feudal Status: Imperial State
Capital: Fort Kezan
Largest Cities: Idassa

Local Leadership Title: Count Palatine of Kezan
Local Government: Dynastic Autocracy
Technocratic State
Current leader: Mira Octavius-Aryani

Local language: Antican English
Local Religion: Holodomatic School, minor Antican sects, Christianity

Kezan, also known as the County Palatine of Kezan is an Imperial State of Shireroth, consisting of two islands, Eleutherios and Akis, as well as a number of islets, sandbars, and artificial structures going 24 nautical miles outward from the coastline of the two main islands. Population is (1656) 2,027,121 of which 264,407 are citizens. There are no loyal subjects or community servitors resident in Kezan.

Kezan is under the perpetual rule of House Octavius, in accordance with Imperial Decrees 637 and 658.


The name Kezan derives from Fort Kezan, the comital seat. Ft. Kezan was founded as Overseas Operating Base (OOB) Kezan by the Second Antican Republic to act as a forward military position during the Shiro-Elwynnese Conflict. OOB Kezan was itself named in honor of the code name used during Operation Light Blue Octopus, its ultimate etymology being unclear.

The main island of the County Palatine, Eleutherios, was assigned this name by Anticans when drawing up maps, naming it after their republican principle of "liberty". The minor island, Akis, was named after an old colloquialism for a child, derived from the patronymic suffix -akis.

The two islands' names before Antican occupation were Sunderney and Ardholm, respectively. These names remained in common use among the locals until the islands were settled heavily by Antican refugees.

History of the Islands

Second through Fourth Eras

The islands enter the historical record unnamed on a map that charted the coastline between the United Baronies of Treesia and the Dutchy of Kildare.

During the Third Era, the islands came under a quick succession of various states: the Empire of Shenzhou, the Republic of Kappitolya, Alteria, and the Empire of Norona. During the Fourth Age, Norona became absorbed by the Holzer Empire before it endured a period of decline and were themselves absorbed by the Bovic Empire of Natopia.

After asserting their independence from Natopia, Holzborg collapsed and the islands fell back on self-rule.

Antican Possession

During the Fifth Era, the Second Antican Republic took control of the islands and established Overseas Operations Base Kezan in the western part of Sunderney, which they renamed Eleutherios. This was during the greater Shiro-Elwynnese conflict, in which it would act as a forward position against Shireroth. Beyond OOB Kezan and some settlement in the eastern port town, Anticans left the islands to its inhabitants, a sparse network of farming and fishing villages.

In 4915 ASC, the Second Antican Republic abruptly collapsed as a result of the hijacking of Antica's autonomous weapons systems and nuclear arsenal. Much of Mainland Antica was irradiated and millions dispersed in the Antican Diaspora. Of the surviving post-Antican states, Aryasht integrated itself into Shireroth, while Albion and Kaikias-Overseas attempted to maintain order before themselves falling as well.

Founding of the County Palatine

In 5089 ASC, Kaiser Aiomide, of mixed Antican and Elwynnese parentage, refounded House Octavius as a noble house in Shireroth and organized the islands of Eleutherios and Akis into the County Palatine of Kezan to act as its seat.

During the formative period of the County Palatine, Kaikias-Overseas completed its collapse, adding to the Antican Diaspora. Many displaced Kaikian Anticans were resettled in Kezan under the promise that House Octavius would uphold traditional Antican rights.



Court of the Count Palatine

The Court of the Count Palatine acts as the institutional embodiment of the Count Palatine's executive, legislative, and judicial authorities. It is composed of three bodies: The Executive Council, the Ministry of State, and The Household Agency.

Executive Council

The Executive Council advises the Count Palatine directly on matters of policy and lawmaking, usually helping to draft and determine the details for legislation that the Count Palatine accepts by affixing their signature.

See: Comital Decrees

The Executive Council also maintains a set of commissions tasked with informing it on petitions from residents and local authorities, requests for the exercise of the prerogative of mercy, and instances of corruption found within the central court or in local government. Beyond these standing commissions, additional commissions may be created for the purpose of analyzing an issue in depth and providing recommended solutions.

Ministry of State

The Ministry of State is responsible for overseeing and coordinating the various central administrative agencies of the County Palatine. It regularly advises the Executive Council on county and overseas activities. The Ministry of State organizes these agencies into supervisory bureaus:

  • Coordinating Bureau
    • Office for the Minister of State: immediate staff for the Minister of State
    • Office for Conciliar Support: immediate staff and record-keeping for the Executive Council
    • Office for Bureau Coordination: renders operational directives into detailed plans for distribution to the appropriate bureaus
    • Office for Ward Coordination: supervision of local governing agencies
    • Office of Personnel: Human Resources for the Ministry of State, management of Civil Service Exams
  • Education Bureau
    • Office for Educational Standards: sets educational benchmarks and supervises compulsory educational facilities
Management of upper-tier educational facilities
Management of scientific and research facilities
Investment in culture and arts
Public broadcasting of news and entertainment
  • Environmental Management Bureau
Ecological conservation programs
Management of investments in island and territorial waters ecology
Supervision of local waste management agencies
  • External Affairs Bureau
    • Office for Immigration: processes applications for residential status
    • Office of Visitations: processes applications for Visitor Identity Documents
    • Office for Coordinating Economics and Culture: supervises Economic and Cultural Offices in non-Kezanese territories, management of external trade relations
Communication with external Imperial Republican agencies and polities
Co-administration of the Liberty of Akis (shared with Militia Bureau)
  • Health Bureau
Food hygiene regulation
Human environment hygiene regulation
Supervision of local and regional medical service agencies
  • Information Bureau
    • Office for Household Registration: issues and maintains household registries and individual resident registries; processes applications for naturalization
Management of network pipelines
Postal and delivery services
Supervision and centralized backup of local records
  • Infrastructure Bureau
    • Power Management Office: manages energy production and distribution
Management of centralized utility grid
Management of transportation systems
Supervision of local housing agencies
Supervision of local civic facilities agencies
  • Militia Bureau
    • Supply Office: resource management for the Kezan Militia and for emergency storage installations
Supply and administration services for Kezan Militia units
Maintenance of defensive structures and fixed defense positions
Co-administration of the Liberty of Akis (shared with External Affairs Bureau)
Supply and maintenance of MoMA Station
  • Production Bureau
Regulation of internal economy
Management of regional and county-wide economic programs
Supervision of local industrial production
Supervision of local agricultural production
Supervision of local resource extraction
  • Security Bureau
    • Civil Protection Office: supervises the maintenance of emergency shelters and installations for storing and coordinating emergency resources
Crisis Response Service (Fire & Rescue)
County Patrol Service (Law Enforcement)
Maritime Patrol Service (Coast Guard)
Civil Protection & Disaster Support

Household Agency

The Household Agency is a non-governing agency responsible for maintaining the properties in possession of House Octavius and to provide services and security for members of House Octavius.

Administrative Divisions


The primary unit of local government in the County Palatine are its 53 Wards. The wards are responsible for administering and providing local services, such as dissemination of news and entertainment, education, infrastructure, safety, telecommunications, and utilities.

These 53 wards are organized into five Honours: Aryani, Adelaidini, Leilani, Parini, and Teleni. The Honour Court grants resource-use leases and acts as a court of equity and appeals as well as provides oversight for the wards.

The remainder of the County Palatine consists of the City of Idassa and the Liberties of Ft. Kezan and Akis. The City is self-administered, provides all local services as well as its own courts of equity and appeals, and is organized into four quarters. The Liberties are each administered directly by the Court of the Count Palatine.

Kezan Militia

Service Uniforms of the Kezan Militia, 1610 to present

The Kezan Militia (KM) is the defensive organ of the comital government, tasked with providing defense for the territory and its population. The KM is one of two primary options for national service within the County Palatine, the other is Civil Protection. As such, the KM is a conscript military force. The bulk of KM personnel are Kezanese Nationals in reserve status, with active personnel divided between those fulfilling their service obligation and "careers", who maintain the defensive apparatus.

KM Headquarters is located at Central Fortress in the Liberty of Ft. Kezan. The Chief of Staff is Commandant Isidora Octavius-Teleni. Operations and deployments are organized into four Command formations:

  • Northern Command: ground-based elements assigned to Coastal Sectors I through IV and the northwestern interior
  • Southern Command: ground-based elements assigned to Coastal Sectors V through VIII and the southeastern interior
  • Air Command: air-based elements, support of ISAF THAAD batteries
  • Entrypoint Akis/Maritime Command: Coast Guard, management of MoMA Station Akis

Weaponry consist of a mixture of arms purchased from overseas (universally from Shirerithian firms) or manufactured locally by such companies as GAM (formerly Geine Arms Manufacturers) and the Todorruhe Concern, both of whom license and manufacture modified versions of Assayers Armaments and Royal Ordnance Factory Lichkeep.


The Education Bureau of the Ministry of State is responsible for the educational standards, methods, and policies for all educational institutions within the County Palatine of Kezan. Nursery, compulsory, and secondary education are administered by ward-level institutions, while tertiary education is administered by the Education Bureau. Private schools exist at all levels, but are supervised by the appropriate governing body.

Age Year School Type
< 6 Nursery School

development of social skills and group awareness
preparation for compulsory education
6–7 Juniors 1 (1) Primary School
Compulsory. No entry requirements.

Language Studies, Social Studies, Mathematics, Science
housekeeping, health and physical fitness, arts and crafts, moral and civic foundation
7–8 Juniors 2 (2)
8–9 Juniors 3 (3)
9–10 Middles 1 (4)
10–11 Middles 2 (5)
11–12 Middles 3 (6)
12–13 Seniors 1 (7)
13–14 Seniors 2 (8)
14–15 Seniors 3 (9)
15-16 1 (10) Academy
Technical College
16-17 2 (11)
17-18 3 (12)
18-19 Associate Medical College
Technical College
ASc, AEng
20-21 Bachelor Technical College
MSc, MEng
21-22 Master Medical College
MMed, MSurg, MVS, MN, MDS
23-24 Doctor Medical College
PhD, JD, DEng

Due to the Service Obligation, an interruption of two years can be expected at any point following Compulsory School.




Information below derived from Census 1656 reporting data.

The population of the County Palatine is 1,762,714, of which 264,407 hold citizenship status (~15%).

Ethnic groups in Kezan are categorized according to whether they are "acculturated" or unacculturated. Acculturated groups are considered primarily "Kezanese", with signifiers to indicate their variety.

The dominant ethnicity, Antican Kezanese, makes up 67.4% of the total population. Sunderneyer Kezanese, the only group native to the islands, continues to make up 13.9% of the population.

Acculturated Ethnicities
Antican Kezanese 1,188,069 67.4%
Sunderneyer Kezanese 245,017 13.9%
Elw Kezanese 144,543 8.2%
Other Kezanese 26,441 1.5%
Unacculturated Ethnicities by Origin
Goldshire 42,305 2.4%
Elwynn 35,254 2.0%
Brookshire 5,288 0.3%
Other 75,797 4.3%

Elw and Holzer languages persist to varying degrees among their associated ethnic groups, though virtually all Kezanese Nationals speak Istvanistani fluently. Aryashti persists as a liturgical language.

The Holodomatic School is the predominant religious movement within the County Palatine. Its primary liturgical rite is derived from Kaikian Antican practices, with alternative rites associated with dedication to Elwynn (Elw Rite), to Adi Paraśakti (Aryashti Rite), etc.

Other practices include alternative Antican movements, such as Providentialism, the New Plethonists, Eteodic and Anokatodic Schools, and Aryashti Sattva, as well as non-Antican movements, such as the Church of Elwynn, Cedrism, and the Nasarenes.