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The Monarchy of Elwynn

A Royal Governor, also known as Lord/Lady Lieutenant is an official appointed by the King in the Council of Eliria who governs a Royal Precinct of the Elwynnese Union in the name and on behalf of the aforesaid King of the Lands of the Two Sacred Rivers.

Role in Government

Any Royal Governor of a Royal Precinct is free to set up an autonomous government for the subdivision zie was placed in charge of by the Good Graces of the King in the Council of Eliria provided always that such government must be in line with the Constitution of the Elwynnese Union and the Laws made under the aforesaid constitutional document.

Aside from governing zir Royal Precinct, a Royal Governor may also be admitted to the Council of Eliria, the council of advisors of the Kingly Throne of the Flower of the North, as well as be admitted to the Sænate, which is the Upper House of the Royal Parliament.


All Royal Governors have a golden chain and a medallion issued to them by the King which denotes zir rank as a Lord/Lady of the Royal Parliament, to be worn when attending the Parliament as well as other formal occasions.