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Editor's Note: This article was written in 2004 for the MicroWiki and may be out of date.

Antica is a micronation that was founded on June 17, 2003 by Delphi Augustus and Octavius Me, as they are known in the micronational world. Originally, the governmental type of Antica was "Dinarchy", which was absolute rule by two leaders with equal power. In Antica, each of these leaders had final authority over one of the two branches of the nation's military (army and navy). After the nation's first anniversary, on June 17, 2004, it became an Empire, upon the acquisition of its first province, the Dominion of Korhal. Since then, Antica has reverted to a Dinarchy, after the Province of Madland left the Empire. For the first few months of its existance, many nations kept their distance from the young, rogue nation, who was mocked for having declared a war on the Theocracy of Mediterranea, which was expected by Antica to be fought in the "arena" of a computer game. At the time, the leaders of the nation knew not the folly that they had committed, but they quickly learned. Just over a month later, the nation had a spy caught in the Theocracy and the Soviet Republic of Arkania, and were ridiculed further. While expected to cower and bow their heads in this instance, Delphi Augustus issued a defiant statement regarding the acts of espionage, and from that point forward allowed Antica to dig itself from the hole they had fallen into. Since these two incidents that hallmarked the nation's beginning, Antica has gone on to become a unique figure among micronations. It has adopted and maintained a single-citizenship policy for Antica proper (not the provincial reaches of the empire), which has developed an interesting and unique community. Over the summer months of 2004, the nation also underwent a few significant democratic reforms. One such reform was opening the Senate to all citizens, permanently, by amending the Constitution. Another major reform was the allowance of elections, specifically for the office of Chief Minister. Soon after the Dominion of Korhal became a province of Antica, the former leader, Jordan, decided that Korhal was being oppressive of Korhal, and rebelled against the Empire, with no success. Within days, Jordan was brought back in, along with Korhal. Later on, after some months with the Province of Korhal, [[Edgard Portela]], Emperor of Madland, sought help from the Antican Empire to shelter and help his nation grow. The Emperors gladly undertook the task, but with an unfortunate lack of success. After a short period of time under Antican rule, Edgard Portela decided it was time for Madland to leave Antica, and very much in the same fashion of Jordan in June of 2004, his attempts to leave were thwarted, as they were made through illegal means. After threats by the Antican government and negotiations between the Dinarchs and Portela, an agreement was worked out, and Madland left Antica legally. In late 2004, Antica grew it's first political parties: the Antican Progressive Development Party, founded by Antica's Chief Minister Olorix, and the [http://antica.uni.cc/phpBB/viewforum.php?f=57 Nihillalatschik Wulatenamen Party], founded by Vice Admiral Foghorn, a newly accepted citizen and Commanding Officer of the Antican Naval Infantry. However, the two parties had little actual political power to begin with. Foghorn proceeded to, after founding the NWP, found Zulu 5 Oscar Inc., Antica's first multinational corporation. The business, which is still the biggest employer in the entire world, has spawned a newspaper ([http://micronationalist.blogspot.com/ The Micronational Wulaptonachgat]), a radio show / Podcast ([http://zulu5oscar.net.tf/ Podcast]), and even, albeit for a short period, it's own mercenary army. In the summer months of 2005, Antica was rocked by political strife. The Dinarch Octavius Me instigated, with the support of many Anticans, a revolution against Delphi Augustus, and in favor of a Republic. However, the revolution fizzled out, and a compromise was reached where a trial period would take place with elected Dinarchs. Hearing of the failure of the revolution, Octavius Me resigned on August 23, 2005, quickly followed by Foghorn on August 24th. To this day, Antica is ever-growing both internally and in foreign affairs. A member of the AAA (Attera, Antica, Arminy) alliance, SPEAR and the Crimson Order, Antica has strong ties to the former powerhouse nation of Attera. Antica also has a nonagression pact signed with the USSR, a positive inroad from a non-communist to a communist nation, in a time when the issue of communism is becoming ever more divisive.

Relevant External Links

Antica's Website Antica's Forums The Antican Herald (Antica's official newsblog) [http://antica.uni.cc/?d=interior/dictionary Antican Newspeak Dictionary] Zulu 5 Oscar Inc The Micronational Wulaptonachgat