Codex Aureus Regni

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Chapter I - The Codes Inviolate

Article I - Definitions

I (the government)

The entity of government defined in this document is the descended and legitimate heir of that polity which originated and developed from the Palace at Goldshire Hamlet, formed in ages past to rule over that part of the Benacian continent on Micras lying east of the Rivers Elwynn.

II (name of country)

Goldshire is the name of the territory over which the aforesaid entity rules.

Article II - This Codex

I. (source of authority)

This Codex is the highest source of authority in Goldshire, binding all who exist within its jurisdiction including all persons of government.

II. (organisation of the Codes)

This Codex is divided into three Chapters. Chapter I contains the Codes Inviolate. Chapter II contains the Codes Robust. Chapter III contains the Codes Discretionary.

III. (on the Codes Inviolate)

The Codes Inviolate are never to be altered. The peoples of Goldshire, as final guardians of their nation's sovereignty and dignity, are authorised and commanded by this Codex to defy any person of high office who attempts to change or contradict the Codes Inviolate, and are further authorised and commanded to remove said person from zir high office, by any means necessary, to preserve said Codes.

IV. (on the Codes Robust)

The Codes Robust may only be altered with the unanimous consent of the peoples of Goldshire. The power to propose said alterations resides with Goldshire's most senior person of government, and that person alone. Said proposition shall be brought to public attention, and if no objection is forthcoming from the peoples of Goldshire within fourteen days, the alteration may pass into this Codex. Legitimate account shall be taken of the objections of those peoples of Goldshire who have lost citizenship or similar qualification during the twenty-eight days preceding the publication of the proposal. The peoples of Goldshire, as final guardians of their nation's sovereignty and dignity, are authorised and commanded by this Codex to defy any person of high office who attempts to change or contradict the Codes Robust without adherence to the above process, and are further authorised and commanded to remove said person from zir high office, by any means necessary, to preserve said Codes.

V. (on the Codes Discretionary)

The Codes Discretionary may be altered at will by Goldshire's most senior person of government, and that person alone.

Article III - Sovereignty

I. (on self-determination)

The sovereign right of Goldshire to determine its own affairs, as enshrined in this Codex, is manifest absolutely. The rule of Goldshire, if necessary, may be ceded in part to a foreign authority provided said rule does not violate this Codex.

II. (no cession)

Goldshire shall not in any circumstances cede any of its territory, as represented on any map, such that it escapes the jurisdiction of this Codex. Where such territory is forcibly removed from Goldshire by a foreign entity, it is the duty of all Goldshire to regain it. Where such territory is ceded by an incumbent of high office within Goldshire then the peoples of Goldshire, as final guardians of their nation's sovereignty and dignity, are authorised and commanded by this Codex to defy said incumbent, and are further authorised and commanded to remove said person from zir high office, by any means necessary, to preserve Goldshire's territorial integrity.

Article IV - Cultural Sanctity

I. (geography)

Goldshire's geography shall be interpreted as a place of broadly temperate climate, composed in its greater part of semi-forested hill country with occasional mountains, ringed with flat coastal plains along an extensive maritime and riverine border.

II. (theme)

Goldshire's population shall be interpreted as a people close to the forces of nature and endowed with a spiritual streak inspired by same. Their origins shall be remembered as rustic, although urban populations may exist with all the trappings of modernity thus entailed.

III. (heritage)

Goldshire's primary economic heritage shall be interpreted as agriculture, forestry, mining, metallurgy, chemical engineering, finance, the arts and creative industries, and technology of an arcane nature.

Chapter II - The Codes Robust (or Coordinating)

Article I Social Contract

I. (duties of the county)

It shall be the duty of the County to provide

  • An excellent administration;
  • A well-ordered public policy;
  • Care for Subject Nationals;
  • The means for Individual and Collective Prosperity for the Improvement of the Common-Weal of the whole County;
  • Impartial and Unyielding Justice;
  • Security in the Defence of the Person and Property of all lawful Subject Nationals.

II. (obligations of subject nationals)

It is the obligation of the Subject Nationals to;

  • Owe deference and obedience to lawful authority;
  • To Uphold the Codex Aureus Regni and Defend the State.

III. (rights of subject nationals)

It is the right of Subject Nationals to enjoy:

  • Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, to the extent permissible under law;
  • The a fair hearing under law and the right of Habeas Corpus.

Article II - Services of the County

I. (duties of the County services)

The Duties of the Countys shall include:

  • The regulation of its own commerce, the minting of coin (for local trade – supplementary to Florins), the appointment of magistrates, the collecting of dues, voting grants of nominal monies to the Governor and the Kingdom of Goldshire, the building of roads, the laying of sewers, the keeping of streets and waterways free from befoulment, the schooling of minors in a manner useful to trade, industry and commerce;
  • The regulation of the Guilds of Dunporters, Artisans, Artificers, Factors, Aldermen and others as may be provided for under law or by writ or charter.

Article III - Municipal Corporations

I. (wards)

Each County shall be divided into Wards as determined by the Count.

II. (ward corporation)

In each Ward shall be created a ‘Worshipful Municipal Corporation of Dunporters, Artisans, Artificers, Factors and Aldermen of the Ward of [Insert Name], Guarantors of its Ancient Liberties’, which may be known as the Corporation of [Insert Name] for short.

III. (guilds)

Each of these ranks represents a distinct guild within the Corporation:

The Guild of Dunporters represents the cleaners, the diggers and the toilers who remove the nightsoil of our Common Weal. They are also responsible for the spreading of the nightsoil in the fields and for this reason we count the constituency of yeoman-farmers and country folk amongst them.

The Guild of Artisans comprises the craftsmen responsible for the manufacture of the products necessary for the functioning of our society and trade.

The Guild of Artificers are those craftsmen of exceeding quality and skill whose hand has turned to the creation of luxury goods, adding value to the products of the artisans for the benefit of the export market.

The Guild of Factors is the home of all merchants charged with the export of finished goods and the import of raw materials for those finished goods where insufficient quantities are available at home as well as nominal monies for those finished goods.

The Guild of Aldermen, comprises the one-hundred and fifty most able individuals in each County, chosen by competitive examination before the Count in whose County the Worshipful Corporation is established.

IV. (self-regulation of guilds)

Each guild is self-regulating at the discretion of its members and may promulgate a charter. For a charter to be valid it must receive the assent of the Royal Government.

Article IV - Gentlemen-at-Cudgels:

I. (definition)

There shall be established within the bounds of the Kingdom of Goldshire a force for the maintenance of order and discipline therein. This force shall be known as the Gentlemen-at-Cudgels, an Auxiliary Corps of the Kingdom's defence force, collectively, and individually by titles graded according to rank, area of command and proficiency, as shall be set out hereafter.

II. (bludgeonor-general)

The Gentlemen-at-Cudgels shall consist of a graded structure. At its apex shall be the Bludgeoner-General, who shall act at the behest of the Royal Government and in that manner shall operate an effective command over all subordinate gentlemen-at-cudgels whom he shall appoint in the Kingdom of Goldshire for public service with cudgels in the manner instructed by higher authority.

III. (superintendent officer)

Appointed by the Bludgeoner-General shall be a Superintendent Officer of Cudgels for each County of the Kingdom. The Superintendent Officer of Cudgels shall have primary responsibility for the conduct of cudgelling in the County under his charge and shall answer to the Bludgeoner-General for the same.

IV. (master of cudgels)

In each urban Ward of the County the Superintendent Officer of Cudgels shall appoint a Master of Cudgels who shall be charged with the expediting of writs of cudgelling and other similarly civic-minded duties. The Master of Cudgels shall answer to the Superintendent Officer of Cudgels for his conduct in the exercise of his duties. The Master of Cudgels shall have the services of a retinue of twenty Gentleman-Cudgellers and as many cudgel-carriers and apprentice cudgel-carriers shall be deemed appropriate.

V. (ad-hoc commanderies)

The Royal Government may at its own discretion establish ad hoc Commanderies or fortified outposts within the State under the civilian authority of a Reeve assisted by a Gentleman-Cudgeller, who shall answer to the Superintendent Officer of Cudgels in the County where the Commandery is established. The Gentleman-Cudgeller shall have command of twenty cudgel-carriers, being the lowest rank of non-apprenticed cudgellers.

Article V - Writ of Cudgelling

I. (issuer)

A writ of cudgelling may be issued by the Royal Government for any act that may be reasonably accomplished through the application of cudgels provided that it is discernibly for the benefit of public order and discipline and is to the commonweal of the greater portion of the denizens resident in the Kingdom of Goldshire;

II. (specifications of writ)

The writ shall specify which County or Commandery shall be responsible for the cudgelling, what or whom the cudgelling is to be against, and what is to be done with the cudgelled subsequent to the act of cudgelling;

III. (validity)

To be valid the writ must be signed by the Royal Government and the cudgelling thoroughly expedited by no later than twelve days after the issuance of the aforementioned writ;

IV. (limits)

A writ of cudgelling shall not be considered to be lawfully applicable outside the bounds of the Royal Governmenty and authorisation to pursue miscreants and fugitives for the purpose of cudgelling must be sought firstly from the Duke where they are known to have fled and be at large in Goldshire or from the Kaiser if they have fled elsewhere;

V. (immunity)

The Monarch, the Khan, the Privy Councillors and the High Councillors shall enjoy immunity from cudgelling, this privilege not necessarily being extended to their retainers, avatars, alter-egos &c. subject to the discretion of the Royal Government.

Article VI - The Panopticon Department

I. (chief director)

The Panopticon Department is be under the direction of the Chief Director who shall be appointed by the Royal Government.

II. (objective)

The Panopticon Department shall combat all enemies of the State within and outside the borders of the State.

III. (main office)

The Panopticon Department Main Office shall have responsibility for the coordination of all departments of the security apparatus within the Panopticon Department.

IV. (structure)

The Panopticon Department shall be structured as follows:

  • Office A: Internal Security
  • Office B: Criminal Activities
  • Office C: Counter Intelligence
  • Office D: Identity, Moral Rearmament & Enlightenment of the Nation

V. (raising of units)

Under those offices the Chief Director Panopticon Department (Main Office) may raise any ad hoc units and formations as he may deem appropriate for the fulfilment of the remit of the Panopticon Department.

VI. (authority)

The Chief Director Panopticon Department (Main Office) is authorised to undertake whatever actions he deems appropriate for the security of the County and shall be granted immunity from prosecution for any actions undertaken in accordance with his role, subject to the discretion of the Royal Government.

Article VII - Jaysh al-Sathrati

I. (establishment)

There shall established in Goldshire, for the protection of the House of Ayreon-Kalirion, a force, known as the Jaysh al-Sathrati, of one hundred and twenty-thousand men at arms for the protection of the person of the Queen of Goldshire and such other tasks as the Khan may see fit to direct them to undertake, including the maintenance of the Register of Pledged Souls.

II. (fidai)

Each pledged soul (Fidai) appointed to the command of one thousand of the Fedayeen shall receive the rank of Legate and receive a Legatine Commission to execute the will of the Steward in the Kingdom of Goldshire.

III. (master)

The Master of the Jaysh al-Sathrati, to whom all Legates must account themselves, is the creation of the Khan.

IV. (chapter house)

A Ribat (Chapter House) of the Jaysh al-Sathrati shall be established in each County of the Kingdom of Goldshire.

V. (subject to rules)

The Jaysh al-Sathrati shall be subject to such rules as shall be promulgated by the Khan.

Article VIII - The Natural Person

I. (definition)

A person or persons is, when cited in the Law, without exception a Human Being (Homo sapiens) of independent agency whose actual existence has been attested and confirmed by the Royal Government upon the occasion of the grant of nationality rights (including specifically naturalisation). Such a person is a Natural Person entitled to full civic and human rights under law. For the purpose of Code, those Elfinshi, Liches and Deep-Singers of human ancestry shall be considered Homo sapiens.

II. (qualities)

A Natural Person is possessed of the qualities of Humanity and the dignity inherent in the Human Condition. Where attestation has not been made or is proven to be false upon investigation by the Royal Government, the State Security Apparatus or other lawful agents of the state as may be appointed (the Authorities), the party that has either declined to attest, falsely sworn or else denied their Humanity shall have repudiated their right to be considered a Natural Person under Law.

III. (limitations)

Only an attested Natural Person may hold public office in the Kingdom of Goldshire. Nothing in this Act nor in law shall prevent or constrain the Natural Person from possessing and maintaining auxiliary personalities, personae, servitors or avatars save that these shall be notified to the Authorities and their particulars held in a register maintained by the Royal Government.

IV. (auxuliary personalities)

Auxiliary personalities shall be deemed appendages to the Natural Person. Auxiliary personalities depicting entities other than a Person shall not attract penalties save that they may not be used to hold public office in the stead of the Natural Person who they are the appendage of.

Article IX - Unnatural Persons

I. (definition)

An Unnatural Person is an entity that has entered into correspondence with the Kingdom of Goldshire and, having applied for naturalisation, failed to provide an attestation to the satisfaction of the Authorities.

II. (rectifying unnatural personhood)

The existence of an Unnatural Person is aberrant and must be rectified by the Authorities through the application of reason and the Rule of Law.

III. (denial of humanity)

To deny ones own Humanity is an offence. It shall carry the penalty of exclusion from the physical space, forums and internet presence of the Kingdom of Goldshire for a period of one month. Repeat offences shall in the forfeiture of Goldshirean Nationality.

Article X - Categorisation as an Entity Other than the Person (Natural or Unnatural)

I. (application)

On application to the Court of Star Chamber the Authorities may petition for the categorisation of the entity in a form other than the Person. These alternatives include: Animal; Corporate; Alien.

II. (animal entity)

An entity defined as Animal is confirmed in the right to life and the reasonable expectation of freedom from cruel usage, except where the needs of a Natural Person for survival or nourishment permits killing or cruel treatment, provided that the cruelty is minimised.

III.(corporate entity)

A Corporate entity is formed by a business corporation or other appropriate organisation – its rights and responsibilities shall be defined separately under law. A Corporate entity is not entitled to civic rights accorded to a Natural Person.

IV. (alien entity)

An Alien is an entity of non-Human and or extraterrestrial origin. Although sentient it is not possessed of the Human Condition and cannot be considered a Natural Person under law. It is an offence to treat an Alien as a Natural Person which shall carry the penalty of a Five Hundred Florin fine to the offending party.

V. (threat to health)

Aliens are fundamentally injurious to the health and well being of Natural Persons. Any Alien encountered entering the territory of the Kingdom of Goldshire is forfeit to the Royal Government and is to be Quarantined by the Authorities.

Chapter III - The Codes Discretionary

The Constitution of the Kingdom

Article 1. Division of powers

Section 1. (Kingdom of Goldshire)

The Kingdom of Goldshire, hereinafter Goldshire, is a state in union with the Elwynnese Union and the Kingdom of Lichbrook.

Section 2. (Charter)

Goldshire’s union with Elwynn and Lichbrook bears the name the Imperial Republic of Shireroth, hereinafter the Union, and is governed by its Charter.

Article 2. The Queen and the Khan

Section 1. (Powers)

All powers of Goldshire that are not delegated to the Union are vested in the Khan of Cabbagefall, his heirs and successors according to law, on behalf of the Queen, Noor bint Daniyal Ayreon-Kalirion ibn al-Majeed bin Sathrati af Ettlingum Freyu, Queen of Goldshire, her heirs and successors according to law.

Section 2. (Queen)

The Queen is the source of all nobility in the Kingdom. She governs the nobility and the rules governing their succession.

Section 3. (Legislative powers)

The Khan exercises his or her legislative powers, in the name of the Monarch, with the advice and consent of the High Council of Goldshire.

Section 4. (Executive powers)

The Khan exercises his or her executive powers with the advice and consent of his or her Privy Council.

Section 5. (Judicial powers)

The Khan exercises his or her judicial powers with the advice and consent of his or her High Court of Justice.

Article 3. Division of Land

Section 1. (counties)

Goldshire is a feudal state. It is divided into the following counties, each being of separate legal jurisdiction unless joined in a duchy:

Section 2. (duchies)

In the event that more than one county is governed by the same Count or Countess, then these counties shall form one duchy, being of one legal jurisdiction. Section 3. Each legal jurisdiction is equal to the other in rights. Each legal jurisdiction is governed by its own laws, unless superseded by the Monarch’s motion, and its head of government shall be its Count or Countess, or in the case of a duchy, its Duke or Duchess.

Article 4. High Council of Goldshire

Section 1. (Members)

Members of the High Council of Goldshire are those counts, countesses, dukes and duchesses of Goldshire who hold their titles by their own right. They are Lords and Ladies of Council.

Section 2. (laws)

All new laws, other than by provisions of the Codex Aureus or this Constitution are established in any other way, that apply to all of Goldshire must meet the consent of the High Council to be valid and enforceable.

Section 3. (president)

The Monarch shall preside over the High Council unless she elects to appoint someone else to do so.

Article 5. Privy Council

The Monarch may appoint, on the advice of the Khan, a Privy Council to perform such tasks and advice on such matters that the Monarch requires in his or her executive dealings.

Article 6. High Court of Justice

Whenever a case of law, that is not delegated to the judicial authorities of the Union, requires settlement, the Monarch sits as High Judge of Goldshire, to be assisted by two members of the High Council, who are elected to the Court by the High Council.

Article 7. Continuation of law

Any law that is removed from the Codex Aureus by this Constitution (or the Resolution that created it) shall nonetheless remain in force unless repugnant to this Constitution.

Article 8. Amendment

The Constitution is amended in accordance with the provisions of the Codex Aureus. Any amendment shall be proposed by the Khan to the High Council for its acceptance prior to enactment.