Apollo City

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Apollo City
Pearl of the East
Population: 7,100,000
Predominant language: English, Præta Sxiröþes

Main roads:
Major districts: Apollo District (Governing District), Pentapolis, City Harbour

Current mayor: Aurore Basil Gla'Ran

File:Map Apollo City

Map versions: several maps

Apollo City, Apoltopoli or Apollonium in Audente, in the past called Airosamente, is the current capital of the Baronial Empire of Sermolot in Kildare and on its way to become once again a major city. Even with the major disasters that struck the city, like war, diseases and the lifting in and falling back from the sky, the city survived. For long it was just a shadow of its former self. But the government is rebuilding the city, so it will bring the good times back to the lands of Audentior.


It should be noted for those visiting Andreios, also known as Audentior, that the Apollantean view of these lands, and their subsequent naming, differs from that of Shireroth. Shireroth has traditionally held sway over the westernmost portions of Audentior, those lands that lay adjacent to the Antya River. This stems from the first Audente civil war, wherein many of the revolutionary left secured much of the western metropolitan areas, and conservative imperialists fled east into the surrounding rural landscape. This split between east and west continued for centuries and was further strengthened by additional civil disturbances. So much was the split that the west developed a distinct Shirerithian culture as it was encompassed by that nation, and the east retained the traditional Apollonian culture.

Even today, with covenants in place that have all but eliminated political boundaries between the two sides, there remains a distinct cultural difference between east and west. Many inhabitants of Apollo City regards it as such, and speak the lingua franca of Shireroth [English], whereas those in the east still refer to the city as Apollonium. Another example is the city of Apolytown further south, which is referred to as thus by its inhabitants and those living nearby. However, outside the city and its immediate environs it is not uncommon to see the name Telikopolis used synonymously. More obviously, speakers of Apollantean do not refer to Audentior as such and know it as Andreios - although contemporarily this is being used more and more as a means to distinguish between east and west. Thanks in part to the high educational standards of both Apollantis and Shireroth, the use of both Apollantean (Greek) and Shirerithian (English) side-by-side are fairly commonplace. Although like many ancient languages, Shirerithian has become the dominant language of Micras and it is therefore in much greater use. In contrast, the Apollantean dialect has remained relatively localized.


Pre-Kildare Era

The city is now called Apollo City, but before the reattachment of city on the mainland, it was called Airosamente.

Airosamente was founded a little bit after the Great Merge between the four provinces as the new capital of Audentior. The main builder were Tapferites, since, after all, it was on their soil. You can see the fact that the buildings look more Tapferite than Audente. It grew quickly, and it was a feat of engineering for its time. The Egalitarian Tower was, until it collapsed together with the other buildings, the largest building in the sector.

It took quite a lot of time and effort to complete Airosamente. When it was done, it became a city wonderful enough to rival Apolyton City, the first and largest city in the Apollo Sector. Airosamente took its name from Audentior in a way; Audentior means "More Brave" in Latin, and Airosamente means "Brave" in Spanish.

When Tapfer seceded, Airosamente seceded with Tapfer. The rest of Audentior was in ruins; with the loss of its capital, it never became as glorious as the old Tetrapole Era Audentior. Airosamente was originally a sea island; When Tapfer was merged, Airosamente and New Long Island lifted up in the air and became two more flying islands in the Flying Islands of Jasonia.

Before the collapse of Jasonia, the population reached around 4 million citizens, but after the collapse of Jasonia that number of citizens reduced quickly.

Kildarian Era

In 3354 ASC the lands of Audentior were attached to the Imperial Republic of Shireroth. In 3585 ASC, Baron Jonas of Antya decided to dissolve his barony and replace it by a new barony, with Apollo City as capital.


Apollo District (Government District)


City Harbour

Pentapolis District

Temple District