Napoleon I

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(As the macronational history of Emperor Napoleon is well-known, we will dwell herein with his micronational career only.)

Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French, was sentenced by the great powers of Europe to exile on the island of St. Helena after his defeat at Waterloo in 1815. As he was conveyed tither by the British Royal Navy, the squadron was caught up in a terrible storm. As the weather cleared, the ship bearing the Emperor found itself in a shallow bay (the site of Ergo Sum) surrounded by war canoes. As these canoes bore cannon and over fifty armed warriors each, the crew thought better of resistance and lay down their arms.

They need not have feared, for the warriors were only interested in their passenger whom they seemed to have knowledge of.

"Give us the Great Warrior, and you may all go home", said the Chief of the largest canoe.

(The warriors were as good as his word, although who the prisoner was that died in captivity on St. Helena is still a mistery to the people of Cognito.)

The King of Cognito, Kahunamea VI had learned of the career of Napoleon, and hoped to use this expertise to once and for all end the wars with Lac Glacei.

Fate chose otherwise, but with similar result

The Armies of the two nations began to skirmish before what had been expected to be a great battle. Napoleon was surveying the field with his telescope when he caught site of a woman standing on a hill in the midst of the opposing force. Truly smitten for the first time since he put away his beloved Josephine, he ordered a flag of truce. As a true son of France, commenced on a much more pleasant mission of conquest.

The lady in question was Mary Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Lac Glacei. At their wedding in 1818 the peoples of both nations proclaimed Napoleon to be an Emperor once again. This time of the United Imperium of Cognito and Lac Glacei.

(This is here primarily as it connects to the pre-history of Lac Glacei & Cognito and the pseudohistorical origins of Emperor Jacobus.)

See: House of Bonaparte-Stuart-Kahunamea