Daughters of Elwynn

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File:Daughter of Elwynn.jpg
A Lady Sister of the Daughters of Elwynn near a Worship Water.

The Daughters of Elwynn is a sisterhood which is devoted to the Lady Divine Elwynn. It is the Grand Mysterious Sisterhood of the Flower of the North and the Elwynnese counterpart of the Daughters of Freyja. The Elwyna Chapter Hall is the headquarters of this Grand Mysterious Sisterhood.


The sisterhood was founded during the Ducal Reign of Harald of Froyalan, shortly after Vanic worship of the Goddess Elwynn had commenced. It received its charter from the White Orchid Goddess herself.


As a secret society its activities, events, and inner functioning are concealed from non-members. All members of the Daughters of Elwynn are sworn to hold the society's secrets by a sacred oath. The tradtional punishment for a member of the Daughters of Elwynn who reveals any secret of the Grand Mysterious Sisterhood or anyone enquiring into the secrets of the Daughters of Elwynn is having one's throat cut from ear to ear, one's tongue ripped out by the root and be thrown in a pit with acid.