Lawbook of Shireroth (pre-4028)

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Statutes of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth

Updated Nov 24, 2009

Chapter I. Legal Clarifications.

A. Titles and Gender

1. Documents
a. For the purpose of legal documents, titles which linguistically imply a single gender, shall be interpreted to mean both genders.
2 Landsraad
a. Both male and female nobles of the Landsraad have equal voice in its halls and may vote freely with their allotted votes.

B. Law Types

1. For the purposes of legal documents the term "Imperial Law" shall be used to define law set down by the Kaiser, Landsraad and Ministers.

C: Non-Malicious Acts

1. Should anyone break a law, but do so either as part of a non-malicious act or for reasons that are obviously good ones and beneficial to the nation, they will not be considered guilty and will not be subject to the normal punishment.
2. Whether a certain incident was part of a non-malicious act or beneficial to the nation will be under the discretion of whatever judiciary bodies exist at the time the incident took place, as well as the Kaiser.

Chapter II. Subdivision

A. Types

1. Duchies
a. The lands of Shireroth shall be divided up into subdivisions known as Duchies.
2. Fiefs
a. The lands of a Duchy may be divided up into subdivisions and given as a fief to Lesser Nobles.

B. Nobles

1. Duchies shall be ruled by a Noble known as a Duke or Duchess.
2. Dukes may appoint Lesser Nobles, who's title may be declared by the Duke, but may not be a title used by any part of the Imperial Government, including Duke or Duchess.
3. A duke may appoint Lesser Nobles without granting them a fief within the Duchy they reside.

C. Creation

1. Duchies
a. Duchies may by created from Shirithian land by full consensus of the Landsraad.
2. Fiefs
a. Fiefs may be created from Shirithian land by a simple majority of the Landsraad. They may be placed under any Duchy with the agreement of its Duke.
b. Fiefs may be created from Shirithian land within any Duchy by the Duke of that same Duchy at will.
3. Promotion
a. The procedure for the promotion of a Fief to a Duchy shall follow procedures for the creation of a new Duchy.

D. Destruction

1. Duchies
a. A Duchy may be dissolved by full consensus of the Landsraad.
2. Fiefs
a. A Fief may be dissolved by a simple majority of the Landsraad.
b. A Fief may be dissolved by the Duke of the Duchy in which it exists at will.

E: Official Positions

1. Restriction
a. In order to hold official positions or titles within a subdivision an individual must be a citizen of Shireroth and meet all Census requirements and regulations set down by the Ministry of Immigration and Naturalization.

F. Alliances and Treaties.

1. Alliances
a. All Duchies are allied to each other through the Imperial Government.
b. Subdivisions may make no alliance with powers outside of Shireroth.
2. Treaties.
a. Subdivisions may make no treaty with powers outside of Shireroth.
b. Subdivisions may make no treaty with any other subdivision.
c. Subdivisions may make economic or cultural agreements with other subdivisions, which the Kaiser or Landsraad may dissolve at any time.

G. Territories

1. Territories are considered autonomous regions of Shireroth. Each Territory may be granted a forum with its flag and a link to its own board. For all purposes, Territories are considered under the direct supervision of the Kaiser, who may choose to control them directly, or to appoint a Governor. Citizens and Nobles of Territories are considered citizens of Shireroth, and nothing more.

H. Protectorates

1. Protectorates are those states and nations that are under the protection of Shireroth, but remain officially independent. The defense and foreign relations of a Protectorate shall be handled by Shireroth, but internal government shall remain untouched.
2. As an independent nation, a Protectorate is not bound by Chapter IV, Article B of the Lawbook.
3. Any nation granted Protectorate status may choose to have that status lifted at any time after due consultation with the MiniEx and MoMA.

Chapter III. Nobles

A: Requirements

1. Citizenship
a. A Noble of Shireroth must be a citizen of Shireroth.
b. A Noble of Shireroth shall not be a minor as defined by the Ministry of Immigration and Naturalization.

B. Dukes

1. Powers granted
a. Any Duke has complete power to do whatever zie wishes within zir Duchy, within zir restrictions.
b. Any Duke may place restrictions upon lesser nobles within zir Duchy.
c. All Dukes are members of the Landsraad, with the privileges and duties enumerated in the Procedures of the Landsraad.
2. Restrictions
a. No Duke may violate Imperial law.
b. No Duke may conduct significant foreign policy.
c. No Duke may call for the overthrow of the government.
d. No Duke may secede from Shireroth.
e. A Duke's powers affect only zir Duchy and those within.
f. No Duke may enter a military alliance with another Duke except under SCIRA.

C. Lesser Nobles

1. Powers Granted
a. Any Lesser Noble has complete power to do whatever he wishes within his Fief, within his restrictions.
2. Restrictions
a. A Lesser Noble may not do any of the things denied to his Duke.
b. No Lesser Noble may violate any restrictions placed upon him by his Duke.
c. A Lesser Noble's powers affect only his Fief and those within.

D. Appointing Dukes

1. At the creation of a new Duchy, a Duke shall be chosen.
2. If the Duchy already exists as an entity before becoming a Duchy, the Duke shall be chosen by the citizens of the Duchy.
3. If the Duchy does not already exist as an entity, the Duke shall be chosen by the Kaiser.
4. In all other cases the rules of Succession as set down by the Imperial Charter shall apply.
D. Appointing lesser nobles
1. A lesser noble may be appointed to a Fief by the Duke of its Duchy.

E. Removing Dukes

1. A Duke may be removed by a two-thirds (2/3) decision of the Landsraad. The vote of the Duke in question is not counted.

F. Removing Lesser Nobles

1. A Lesser Noble may be removed by the Duke who appointed him or her.

G. Ruling Nobles and Honourary Nobles.

1. Ruling Nobles.
a. All Dukes and lesser nobles appointed by the procedures listed in sections C and D shall be known as the "Ruling Nobles" of their respective subdivisions.
b. A Ruling Noble may override any decision or action made by any of his Honourary Nobles.
2. Honourary Nobles.
a. The spouse of a Ruling Noble may be granted a title of Nobility of the same level and power over the same realm as the Ruling Noble. Such nobles shall be known as "Honourary Nobles".
b. Honourary Nobles may have all the powers of their Ruling Noble except the Landsraad vote.
c. In the case of a Ruling Noble's abscence, if he has any Honourary Nobles, the primary shall be automatically considered his emissary if no emmissary has been previously established.
d. These clauses may vary due to pre-nuptual agreements.

H. Multiple Titles of Nobility.

1. No Shirithian shall rule over more than one subdivision with a single exception. In the event that a subdivision is without a ruling Noble, the ruling Noble of the subdivision above it shall take rule over the vacant subdivision. The citizens of the subdivision shall have one Shirithian week to decide upon a new ruling Noble, after which time, the subdivision goes under the direct control of the Kaiser until a new Noble is appointed.
2. A Shirithian is allowed to hold titles in fiefdoms other than their own as long as these are below the rank of Lesser Noble. There is no restriction on the number of these titles they may hold as they do not affect the Imperial Government of Shireroth.

Chapter IV: The Landsraad

A: The LawBook

1. Inclusion of law
a. The Landsraad must place all permanent laws of the Land of Shireroth into the Lawbook of Shireroth, which shall be maintained by the Prætor of Shireroth.

B: Recesses

1. Voluntary Recess
a. The Landsraad may dissolve itself by a majority vote.
b. The Landsraad may specify in this vote a date upon which it will be reconvened, and that date shall be legally valid.
2. Mandatory Recess
a. On December 25th until January 2nd and July 1st until the July 8th, the Landsraad will be in Recess.
b. All bills on the floor shall be frozen until the Landsraad comes back into session.

C: The Prætor

1. Election
a. The Prætor of Shireroth may only be elected by the nobility of the land from among the Full-Citizens of the Land.
b. The Prætor does not have to be a Noble of Shireroth.
2. Powers
a. The Prætor of Shireroth shall preside over the Landsraad as chairman.
b. His/Her purpose and duty shall be to call a meeting of the Landsraad to order, tally votes, close votes, generally manage and keep order within the Landsraad; as well as keep records of all bills and resolutions passed during his/her tenure.
3. Deputy Prætor
a. The Deputy Prætor of Shireroth may only be elected by the nobility of the land from among the Full-Citizens of the Land.
b. The Deputy Prætor does not have to be a Noble of Shireroth.
c. The Deputy Praetor is held by the same restrictions as the Praetor.

Chapter V. The Kaiser.

A. Impersonating the Kaiser

1. It is against the law to impersonate the Kaiser.
2. Punishment will be upon capture, and may include but is not limited to any of the following:
a. Banning
b. Public ridicule.
c. Both of the above.
3. Justice will be served.
4. It is still legal to impersonate the Kaiser or pretend to the throne of the Kaiser if the real Kaiser says you can. But when the real Kaiser returns pretty much anything can happen, up to and including Civil Rec-war, decapitation of yourself and your lieutenants, the ravishment of your men and women, the burnings of your dwellings and animals, and the merciless slaughter of your supporters.

B. Administrative Rights

1. When a sovereign nation joins Shireroth, it forfeits its sovereignty to the Kaiser.
2. The Kaiser, as it is His right and duty to be Sole Sovereign of the Nation, shall be given Admin privileges to any nation's board that becomes a Subdivision of Shireroth. Likewise, he may request Admin to any board belonging to any Duchy, Fief, or any other future form of sub-division, that already belongs to Shireroth.
3. Refusal to grant admin to the Kaiser or his representative will be considered treason against the Kaiser, and the subdivision will be punished for such acts.

Chapter VI. Ministries.

A. Ministry of the Interior.

1. The Minister of the Interior shall be given admin over the Shireroth board, and shall use such power for the purposes of maintenance and security.
a. It is the duty of the Minister of the Interior to allow public access to the information in public fora.
b. It is the duty of the Minister of the Interior, and any person with access to classified fora, to keep secret any information held therein.
c. It is the duty of the Minister of the Interior to take on any emergency administrative duties for security.
2. The Ministry of the Interior shall maintain any archives on the Shireroth board. They may be hidden or obscured, provided that their access complies with regulations.
a. It is the duty of the Minister of the Interior to archive an additional past month of the General Discussion forum each month.
3. The Ministry of the Interior shall handle administrative requests of the Kaiser and other Ministers, provided that they comply with law and regulations.
a. It is the duty of the Minister of the Interior to carry out court orders which require administrative action.
c. The Ministry of the Interior shall not be expected to carry out any administrative orders unless they are issued in the Ministry of the Interior, or the Kaiser's Court, or sent to him directly.
4. The Ministry of the Interior shall maintain weekly forum database backups.
a. Backups older than a month may be removed, except for the last backup of that month. Backups older than a year, even the last backup of a month, may be removed, except for the last backup of that year.
b. Backup duty may be delegated to a trusted Shirithian citizen.

B. Ministry of Information

1. The Minister of Information shall be given Sysop access in the ShireWiki, access to update Malarbor announcements or to arrange for updates by others, and a budget set by MiniTrade for outsourcing ministerial duties as necessary.
2. The Minister of Information shall be the chief editor of both the ShireWiki and of the Malarbor announcement box, with final say over their contents and possible disputes thereover.
3. The Ministry of Information shall maintain a Department of Research and Education for the organization and development of national culture, technology, and education.

D. Minister of Trade.

The job of the Minister of Trade shall be to see to all economic affairs within Shireroth, to maintain the currency of Shireroth, and maintain the Imperial Treasury. The currency of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth shall be the €rb.

E. Minister of Immigration And Naturalization.

The job of the Minister of Immigration and Naturalization shall be to maintain a means by which individuals may immigrate to and become citizens of Shireroth. The minister is vested with the responsibility of maintaining an up to date record of the citizenry of Shireroth. The Ministry of Immigration and Naturalization shall be vested with the duty of maintaining a periodic census of the population of Shireroth.
1. If a new citizen applies, and leaves their preferred Subdivision choice as "Undecided" or empty, or does not otherwise specify a home territory, the Minister of Immigration has a duty to allocate the new citizen a place in an underpopulated Duchy or Fief. However, this in no way enables the Minister of Immigration force immigrants to join Duchies or Fiefs against their will, nor shall they be forced to leave any Duchy or Fief.
2. No citizen of Shireroth will lose noble rank nor a position solely on the basis of failure to fill out a census form, though this may be taken into consideration if the appropriate superior is deciding whether or not to retain zir.
3. No citizen of Shireroth will lose citizenship solely on the basis of failure to fill out a census form, nor by any other means save Kaiserial decree or voluntary emigration.
4. It is both permissible and encouraged for the Census to keep track of active and inactive citizens.
5. In the event that a person outside of Shireroth has been granted honorary citizenship, and zie decides to immigrate / re-immigrate to Shireroth, zie must fill out an immigration form to announce zir arrival / return, and shall become a full citizen immediately upon receipt of zir immigration form by the Minister of Immigration and Naturalization.

F. Ministry of the Exterior.

The job of the Minister of the Exterior shall be to establish and maintain communications with bodies and/or nations outside the bounds of Shireroth. The Minster shall be vested with the power and responsibility of negotiating with foreign powers, and presenting the outcome of said negotiations to the Kaiser and/or Landsraad.

G. Assistant Ministers

Assistant Ministers are appointed, following standard Landsraad procedure for a bill, to a specific Ministry to help that Minister in his duties and also to take over that Ministry should the current Minister request it, be absent without notice for a period exceeding two weeks, or be found lacking by the Landsraad.

Chapter VII. The Judex System

A. The Judex

1. The Judex is the system of Courts within the nation of Shireroth.
a. The Kaiser is the highest body of law and acts as final Arbiter for the nation of Shireroth and the Kaiser shall hold court in the Kaiser's Court forum.
b. The Arbiter is the officer of the Judex who deals with all cases not solely within the purview of a Duchy or Fief, the Arbiter holds court in the Judex forum.
c. Dukes act as Arbiter for their Duchy and have jurisdiction on any case solely within their Duchy, they hold court in their Ducal forum.
d. Lesser Nobles act as Arbiter for their Fief and have jurisdiction on any case solely within their Fief, they hold court in their Baronial forum.

B. The Arbiter

1. The Arbiter is appointed by the Kaiser.
2. The Arbiter can be dismissed by a 2/3's vote of the Landsraad.
3. The Arbiter is not a political appointment, and as such, the position does not grant a say or vote within the Landsraad.
4. The Arbiter cannot be an officer of the Landsraad.
a. Ministers appointed by the Kaiser are not officers of the Landsraad, nor are Nobles.
5. Any law that violates the Charter of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth and that is brought before the Arbiter in an actual case can be overturned and stricken from the lawbook by the Arbiter.
a. For the purposes of sections B - 1 through B - 5, the Arbiter refers only to the officer known as the Arbiter and not to Dukes nor Lesser Nobles.
b. Only the Kaiser can overturn the Arbiter's decision on a law.
c. The Landsraad may not propose and pass the exact bill that has been overturned by the Arbiter.
d. The Arbiter has the ability to submit a Writ of Dissolution to the Kaiser, the Writ of Dissolution is a request that the Landsraad be dissolved for an indefinite period of time due to violation of the law and the Charter of Shireroth, when in violation of Section B - 5, subsection c.
6. The Arbiter may, with the consent of the Kaiser, appoint an Assistant Arbiter.
a. The Assistant Arbiter is to assist the Arbiter on cases, issue preliminary opinions on matters brought before the court, and to provide an additional point of view on cases.
b. The Assistant Arbiter shall act in stead of the Arbiter should the Arbiter not be available.
c. The Assistant Arbiter shall hear any case the Arbiter is unable or unwilling to hear.
d. When acting as Arbiter in the manner stated in b. and c., the Assistant Arbiter shall have all powers and duties of the Arbiter.
e. In 6. b., "not be available", and 6 c. "unable", shall be considered to mean either a stated leave of absence or if the Arbiter does not, within 48 hours, reply to an official question or case put before him.

C. Trials

1. Terms
a. The person who initiates the action before the court is the Plaintiff.
b. If the Plaintiff is the Imperial government, an Imperial Inquisitor may be appointed.
c. The person required to answer the action before the court is the Defendant.
d. Any person brought by a Plaintiff or Defendant to give statement is a witness.
e. Only a citizen who is licensed by the Imperial Judex to practice law may charge money for their services as an Advocate or an Imperial Inquisitor.
f. The Arbiter in a court action may not be contracted as an Advocate, or appointed as an Imperial Inquisitor, in the same or a related court action.
2. Plaintiffs and Defendants may either speak on their own behalf, or contract an Advocate to speak on their behalf.
b. Non-citizens can only be brought forth under express permit of the Kaiser.
3. Plaintiffs and Defendants may produce evidence.
a. Evidence may be any object pertinent to the case, under all circumstances pertinent is left to the will of the Arbiter.
4. Penalties of Conviction.
a. The punishment for those convicted of crimes in Shireroth shall be the ordeal, set by the court.
b. Possible types of ordeals for crimes of varying levels of severity shall be set by a future act of the Landsraad.
5. Pones
a. A pone is a writ to move the case to a higher court, any Defendant may file a pone subject to the following restrictions.
b. The Arbiter to whom's jurisdiction the case would be moved, rules on the pone.
c. Further restrictions upon pones shall be set by future acts of the Landsraad.
6. Appeals
a. A convicted Defendant, or a Plaintiff whose case failed, can submit a writ of appeal to the Arbiter directly superior to the Arbiter that convicted them, wherein they shall receive a new trial before the new Arbiter.
b. The new trial is at the discretion of the Arbiter with whom the writ of appeal has been filed.
c. If an Arbiter refuses to hear a writ of appeal and grant a new trial, the writ can be refiled into the court of the next highest Arbiter.
d. There is no appeal from a decision by the Kaiser.

D. Oaths.

1. Any member of the Judex system (That is the Kaiser, the Imperial Arbiter, the Dukes, and the Lesser Nobles) may bear witness to an oath sworn in the Imperial Republic of Shireroth.
2. The penalty for breaking a sworn Oath shall be whatever deemed appropriate by the witnessing official or shall be whatever was set and agreed upon in the Oath itself.
3. Once sworn by both parties and before a member of the Judex system, Oaths hold the weight of Imperial Law as a binding contract and agreement between the two parties.

Chapter VIII. Laws of the Land.

A: Gambling

1. Legalized Gambling
a. Gambling in all forms is legal within the lands of Shireroth.
2. Exceptions to Legalized Gambling
b. Nobles may restrict Gambling within their subdivision as they see fit.

B: Official Symbols

1. Official Fruit
a. The mango is the official fruit of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth.
2. Official Animal
a. The Shirerithian Blue Moose is the official animal of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth.

C: Military Action

1. Restriction of Military Action
a. No citizen may take Military Action outside the borders of Shireroth, against any foreign power without consent from the Imperial Government.

D: Political Parties

1. Prohibition
a. Political parties are banned from Shireroth.
b. Any denizen of Shireroth who creates a Political Party is liable to punishment by the Landsraad and/or Judex.
2. Political Interest Groups
a. Political Interest Groups are a form of political party.

E. Rebellion

1. Rebellion to overthrow a legitimate Kaiser, Duke, or Lesser Noble is prohibited.
a. The maximum penalty for this offense shall be honorary Yardistani citizenship and consideration for induction into the Lodge of Mischevious Intent
2. Any rebellion that becomes a nuisance or a disruption to ordinary public life can be charged with the separate crime of Disrupting the Forum.
a. The penalty for Disrupting the Forum can be a warning, a fine, or a ban.
b. The penalty for repeat offense in this category can be anything up to exile from Shireroth.
b. If a rebellion continues for more than one month, the Arbiter may at his judgment deem it Disruptive to the Forum.

F: Treason

1. Acts of Treason include but are not restricted to the following:
a. Any act of secession from the lands of Shireroth as a whole.
b. Disobeying or disregarding a direct order from the Kaiser.
2. Punishments for Treason may include but are not limited to the following:
a. Complete Exile from the lands of Shireroth.
b. Loss of citizenship.
c. Loss of privileges within the lands of Shireroth.

G: Marriage

1. Definition and Mechanics
a. Marriage shall be defined as the legal union of two individuals under Imperial law.
b. Divorce shall be defined as the legal removal of marriage status between two individuals and the legal dissolution of a marriage.
2. Restrictions and Clarifications
a. A Denizen of Shireroth may be married to a non-denizen of Shireroth.
b. All marriages must be recorded and approved by the Kaiser and/or Minister of the Interior.
c. When presenting a request for marriage bo the Kaiser and/or Minister of the Interior both individuals must express their desire for marriage.
d. Marriages in other nations do not automatically carry over to Shireroth.
e. Any pre-nuptual agreements made by the couple must be presented to the Kaiser of Minister of Interior when marriage is recorded.
3. Nobility and Titles
a. When a noble marries they may share their title with their spouse as laid down in section III, G of this Lawbook.
4. Divorce.
a. Any inividual shall be granted an immediate divorce from a spouse upon request to the Kaiser and/or Minister of the Interior.
b. Any lands, titles, or funds attained by an individual while married shall be retained after a divorce.
c. In cases of a noble divorcing a non-noble, the non-noble has no legal right to any title, lands or funds of the noble.
d. These clauses may vary due to pre-nuptual agreements.

H: Chickens and Moose

1. Rights of Chickens
a. All hens are free from involuntary egg laying.
b. Roosters will no longer have to wake up at 5:30 in the morning.
c. The Duchy of Yardistan will provide flying lessons for chickens.
2. Other
a. Eat more Chicken.
3. Restrictions on Chickens and other Poultry
a. No chicken, turkey, or giblet may hold an office, except for Chicken Cows.
4. Rights of Moose
a. The hunting of moose shall be illegal.
b. No moose flesh or meat shall be consumed.

I: Weights and Measures.

1. The Imperial Republic will use the Metric System in all official documents were mention of weight or measure is needed or used.

J: General Restrictions upon all Denizens of Shireroth.

1. Smoking.
a. All forms of tobacco shall be considered an adictive substance within the lands of Shireroth.
b. No denizen of Shireroth shall make use of smoke tobacco in public while at a Shirerithian Convention.
c. Punishment for violation shall be determined based on severity of violation.

K: Holidays.

1. The following Holidays and/or Festivals shall be recognized by the Imperial Government:
a. Oustfest, When lazy bums get fired, 14 January.
b. A-Day, Celebrating the victory of common Shirerithians over Anarchy 21, and the Battle of Cimmeria, 17 February.
c. Jasonia Day, Celebrating the Flying Islands of Jasonia, 19 February.
d.Irish Citizens Appreciation Day, 17 March.
e. Kethethamasisen, Hyperborean Spring Celebration, 21 March.
f. Switching Day, When people are someone else, 1 April.
g. Foundation Day, The day Shireroth was founded, 24 April.
h. Treesia Day, Celebrating the nation of Treesia, 23 May.
i. Independence Day: The Day Shireroth voted to leave Tymaria, 11 July.
j. La Fiesta De La B0O0/\/\, Traditional B0O0/\/\ist holiday, 26 July.
k. Glorious Founder Day, Celebrating the nation's founder, 5 August.
l. Blackrock Day, Celebrating the nation of Blackrock, 14 October.
m. Day of the Dead, Celebrating the God Mors, 31 October.
n. Istvanistan Day, Celebrating the nation of Istvanistan, 7 November.
o. Mekonamesenan, the Hyperborean New Year, on 21 December.

L: Shirerithian External Military Policy

1. Let it be known to all foreign powers that unless they have a specific invitation from Shireroth (or a person legitimately representing Shireroth), or unless a legitimate reason has first been supplied for their presence, foreign troops are not allowed into the nation.
2. Also, foreign troops are expected to be withdrawn from the national borders at the conclusion of whatever event has brought them to the Republic, unless there is provision for a Treaty.

M: Terrorism

1. Terrorism shall be defined as the unlawful use or threatened use of electronic violence (spamming, viruses, DOS attacks, etc.) by a person or an organized group of people against the citizens or their property with the intention of intimidating, damaging, coercing, or otherwise disturbing the State or the nation.
2. A terrorist act shall be punished by banishment from the Shirerithian board for no more than two weeks and no less than two days, depending on the seriousness of the attack.
3. If an attack produces extreme or permanent damage, then the sentence can be extended.

N: Shirerothian Mascots

1. The Moose and the Mango shall be the official mascots to the world of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth.
2. The Mastakater shall be the Shirerothian citizen, appointed by either the Kaiser or 51% majority of the Landsraad, to serve a term as long as it pleases either entity, charged with nuturing and guarding the mascots of Shireroth.

O: Fictional Histories

1.Any and all fictional histories created by anyone within Shireroth are subject to reference by other works.
a. Any work using references and/or material from another fictional history are required to cite their sources at either the beginning or end of the work.
b. It is the right of the creator of the original work to not recognize any works referencing them, and to consider them false.
2.Shireroth officially recognizes the work of SSHIT as canon.
3.a.Any fictional history is subject to follow the national guidelines for fictional histories as well as the local guidelines, depending on where it is posted.
4.Duchies are allowed to form their own guidelines on the treatment of fictional histories. However, these guidelines cannot conflict with the national guidelines.
5.Any fictional history created that does not have a Duchy, Fief, religious tie in (so that it may post in the relevant religious forum), or permission to post in SSHIT shall be placed in the Tony Au Memorial Library, under the appropriate category.
a.Tony Au Memorial Library shall be subject only to the national guidelines regarding fictional histories.

Chapter IX: Citizenship

A: Basic Citizenship

1. Definitions.
a. A denizen is any individual within the borders of Shireroth.
b. A citizen is a denizen of Shireroth who has been granted citizenship status and the privileges there in by the Ministry of Immigration and Naturalization, and/or the Kaiser.
c. Individuals cannot hold Citizenship in a subdivision. Individuals are Citizens of the Empire of Shireroth and Residents of a Subdivision.
2. Citizenship Regulations.
a. Regulations upon the aquisition of citizenship shall be established and maintained by the Ministry of Immigration and Naturalizations.

B: Tri Citizenship Restriction

1. Citizens of Shireroth are allowed only three national allegiances including Shireroth. When applying for citizenship, an individual must have two or less citizenship, else they will be denied citizenship.
2. If a citizen comes into violation of these requirements, he/she must remedy the situation within one Shirerithian week. (14 days).

C: Hostile Nations Citizenship Restriction

1. No citizen may retain Dual-Citizenship within any nation that the Imperial Republic of Shireroth has declared War upon, or is considered hostile to the nation of Shireroth.
2. The Kaiser gives the Minister of Exterior and Landsraad the power to pronounce a nation hostile to the nation of Shireroth.

D: Residency

1. Each Shirithian citizen may choose a specific place of residence for zirself. Zie may specify down to any level so far as city, but if the specification of city is not made, then zie shall officially reside in the capital city of the lowest subdivision specified.
2. No Shirithian shall reside in more than one city at a time, and in order to change residences, a one day travel time from the time of relocation announced shall be observed. In accordance with this, no Shirithian may reside in more than one residence in a day.

Chapter X: Land

A: Sectors

1. Recognition of Sectors
a. Shireroth shall not recognize the use of Sectors as a Micronational geographic or cultural subdivision. Nor shall it reside in any sector. Nor shall any duchy or territory be considered a part of ANY sector unless the Duchy or Territory expressly grants permission to be considered in such sector.

B: Holy Land

1. The following lands shall be known as Shirerithian Holy lands:
a. The Isle of Amity.
b. The Isle of Mirioth.
c. The Isles of the Khaz Modan.
d. The Isle of Naudia'Diva
2. Isle of Naudia'Diva
a. In addition to being holy ground, Naudia'Diva shall be Shireroth's first National Game Preserve, Wildlife Refuge, and Sacred Hunting Ground.
b. A Temple to Horjin shall be built at its center.

C. Territory

1. The territory of Shireroth is the claim that from time to time is filed with the Micronational Cartography Society.
2. An expansion, reduction or other modifications to the national borders of Shireroth may only be decided by the Kaiser or the Landsraad.
3. Modifications that do not affect the national borders of Shireroth and is completely within one Duchy, may be decided and communicated to the MCS by the Duke.
a. The Duke may delegate this authority to any subordinate.
4. Modifications that affect two or more Duchies but do not affect the national borders, may be decided on by the Dukes of the involved Duchies and communicated to the MCS.
5. All territorial modifications must be notified to the ministry in charge of cartography.

Chapter XI: Electronic Holdings

A: Archives and Records

1. Mandatory Archival
a. All ministers and Nobles are to backup/archive all important threads, posts, orders, decrees or discussions under their jurisdiction.
b. Hard-drive backups should be made of all important documents.

B: Posting Privileges and Restrictions.

1. Posting Privileges.
a. All micronationalists who have not been convicted of a crime in Shireroth, deemed unusually annoying or threatening to state security will be allowed to make an unlimited number of posts. Any DEFCON status declaration by the military above the lowest level will invalidate this provision until the DEFCON status is lowered back to normal.
2. Signature Restrictions.
a. The limit of signature sizes in Shireroth will be no more than five lines of text (exceptions granted if the text is made smaller) or an image smaller than 500*130. Should any foreigner violate this provision, the Minister of the Interior shall ban them or restrict their posting rights to something less than ten per day, depending on the severity of the violation. Should any citizen violate this provision, the Minister of the Interior shall restrict their posting rights to something between five and fifteen per day, depending on the severity of the violation. Any violator may end their penalty at any time by complying with the terms of this act.

C: Website

1. The website of Shireroth shall be called ShireWiki. It shall be implemented by means of MediaWiki or other available Wiki software.
2. ShireWiki shall be the front page of
3. Every denizen may edit ShireWiki, pursuant to the following restrictions:
3.1. Denizens shall not knowingly publish false information on ShireWiki, unless it is necessary for the implementation of an evil scheme.
3.2. Denizens shall not publish on ShireWiki defamatory, pornographic, libelous, fraudulent or any other kind of material that would land us into legal trouble.
4. The scope of ShireWiki shall be Shirithian affairs. ShireWiki pages not related to Shireroth shall be submitted to MicroWiki, hosted by, and removed from ShireWiki by any denizen.
4.1. The submission of information to MicroWiki shall be conducted by the rules and guidelines of MicroWiki. Information that already exists on MicroWiki need not be duplicated and can be directly removed from ShireWiki.

D: Forums

1. The official Message Board of Shireroth shall be hosted at The Imperial Government, all of the Duchies, and other Shirithian functions, shall be hosted on this board.

1.1. If the Message Board of Shireroth is moved to a different URL, Shirerithian citizens with knowledge about the move must make a reasonable effort that all Shirithian citizens and denizens will know about the new URL.

2. The Board Administrators shall be the Kaiser, the Minister of the Interior, Erik Metzler, Scott Alexander, and Ari Rahikkala.

2.1. The Board Administrators shall be given membership in the Administrators usergroup as their default group.

2.2. The Message Board of Shireroth may be moved to a different URL by command of a Board Administrator.

2.3. The Steward of Shireroth shall be a global moderator, but not a Board Administrator merely by having the position of Steward.

3. The Message Board of Shireroth shall be divided into categories, forums, and subforums.

3.1. Each forum shall have a Forum Leader, who shall be given moderatorship over the forum, and authority to create subforums and choose other forum leaders within the forum as they will. Forums and forum leaders may also be changed freely by Landsraad legislation or Imperial Decrees. 3.1.1. The leader of a forum shall also be the leader of all of its subforums.

3.2. Forum leaders may choose the names, themes, forum images, and any other settings for their forum, within the limits of the law and regulations, including regulations set by forum leaders above them. 3.2.1. As changes requested by forum leaders are implemented by the Board Administrators, the Board Administrators may reject such changes. If the Minister of the Interior is given a request in his ministry and he rejects the request, he must notify the requester about the decision.

3.3. Unless otherwise noted, forums shall be visible from the board front page. Forum leaders have authority to decide on the visibility of their forums.

4.The forums and categories shall be as follows:

4.1. A General category, containing General Discussion, and Shrine of Controversy. 4.1.1. The Kaiser of Shireroth shall be the leader of General Discussion. Ari Rahikkala shall be the leader of the Shrine of Controversy.

4.2. A Government category, containing Kaiser's Court, Landsraad Front Gate, The Landsraad, and Imperial Judex. The Landsraad shall have subforums Landsraad Passed Bills, and Landsraad Archives. 4.2.1. The Kaiser of Shireroth shall be the leader of Kaiser's Court. The Praetor shall be the leader of Landsraad Front Gate and Landsraad. The Arbiter shall be the leader of Imperial Judex.

4.3. A Ministry Row category. Each Ministry of Shireroth shall have a forum. Ministers shall be leaders in their respective ministry forums.

4.4. A Shirekeep City Center category. Forums and forum leaders shall be decided on by the Board Administrators.

4.5. A Military category. Forums and forum leaders shall be decided on by the Board Administrators.

4.6 A 'South End Business District' category under the auspices of the Minister of Trade.

4.6.1 The forum leader shall be appointed by the Minister of the Trade and may be dismissed by the Minister of Trade.

4.7. A Subdivisions category. Each Duchy shall have a forum. Dukes shall be leaders in their respective Duchies.

4.7.1. Dukes may choose their subforums, moderators, and forum visibility policy as they see fit. However, in case they have no local policy, the default policy shall be as follows: a. Each Fief gets a subforum under its Duchy's forum, with the Lesser Noble as its forum leader. b. Each County gets a subforum under its Fief's forum, with the Count as its forum leader. c. County forums shall not be visible from the board front page if they have neither a count nor any interesting activity, as decided on by the Board Administrators.

4.8. An Archives category, containing all archived forums.

5. Board Administrators may create, change and archive forums and categories as will, as permitted by the board software given their administrative privileges. They are considered leaders of each forum, but are not marked as moderator unless they would otherwise be so marked. Forums whose existence is specifically legislated may not be archived or destroyed by Board Administrators.

Chapter XII: Awards

A: Celestis Award

1. The Celestis Award, which honours Fax Celestis, will be given to those who show their dedication to the Republic by promoting immigration, advertising the community, and bringing new citizens into Shireroth.
a. The award may be given multiple times to the same person, should they deserve it on multiple occasions, and may be given by the Kaiser or the Landsraad.
b. The award may not be given ex post facto.
c. The recipients shall be given a small but tasteful Celestic Award in their title block.

B. Kaiser's Prize for Literature

1. The Kaiser's Prize for Literature will be given to one person a year who has contributed in the most significant fashion to Shireroth's literary holdings, in any form.
2. The Winner of the Prize will be named Poet Laureate of Shireroth for the year.
3. The Prize may be given by the Kaiser or the Landsraad.
4. The Prize may be given to the same person on multiple occasions, if they deserve it.
5. The Poet Laureate shall be given bragging rights and the right to a "Poet Laureate of Shireroth" line in their signature.

Chapter XIII: Economy

A. Authority of Interpretation

1. The authority of interpretation of the following articles rests in the following offices:
a) The Kaiser
b) The Arbiter
c) The Minister of Trade

2.1 The Shirithian Imperial Treasury shall act as the account of the Imperial Government. 2.2 The sum funds residing in The Shirithian Imperial Treasury are reserved for the purpose of government spending.

B. The Erb

1.0 The national unit of currency used by the subjects and inhabitants of The Imperial Republic Of Shireroth shall be known as "The Erb".

2.0 In promotion of our feudal society and government, Duchies may have a local unit of currency when approved by the Kaiser for the purpose of developing the economy of the Duchy.

C. Distribution of Money

1. All new citizens shall receive a bounty from the Ministry of Trade upon joining Shireroth.

2. The Ministry of Trade shall issue regulations regarding procedure when an account holder is declared legally dead or has zir citizenship revoked.

4. a. The Ministry of Trade is empowered to distribute further money by means of paying bounties.

D. Minister of Trade

1.0 The job of the Minister of Trade (hereafter referred simply as "the minister") is to see to all economic affairs within Shireroth, and maintain the Shirithian Imperial Treasury. 2.0 In cases dealing with procedure, The Minister of Trade shall act as director and comptroller of the functioning of the economic system. 2.1 The minister shall promote the use of the economic system and devise of new ways to implement it. 2.2 The minister shall act as the authority for registering businesses and shall ensure the correct procedures are followed by said companies. 2.3 The minister is warranted to conduct any financial investigations, and warranted to audit accounts registered in The Imperial Republic Of Shireroth. Any judgment issued by the minister under this section may be appealed to the Imperial Judex.

D. Fraud

1. Any person who by means of deception persuades another to act or not to act shall, if zie profits and the victim, or zir representative, suffers a loss, be found guilty of fraud and suffer the ordeal set by the Imperial Judex.

2. Any person who makes use of a service for which there is a stated fee, without paying that fee, shall be found guilty of fraud and suffer the ordeal set by the Imperial Judex.

E. Companies

1. The Ministry of Trade shall issue regulations concerning the operation of companies in Shireroth.

F. Official Bank

1. The Small Commonwealth Bank is the official bank of Shireroth.

G. Financial Privacy

1. Any financial records, statements, or statistics pertaining to an individual citizen of Shireroth, including those of their accounts in the Small Commonwealth Bank, may not be made or permitted to be made available to the public except by the sole discretion and action of that citizen.
a. Exceptions may be made during the course of a case before the Imperial Judex, if said financial information is relevant as evidence.

b. Any said financial records, statements, or statistics shall still be available as needed to officials in the Imperial Government as provided for in Section B of this Chapter.

2. The preceding section shall not necessarily apply to any presentation of financial records, statements, or statistics in which individuals are not explicitly identified.

H. Taxation.

1. The Ministry of Trade is empowered to conduct national taxation when it is deemed necessary to maintain the finances of the Imperial Government.

2. Each Duke shall be taxed 2000 each time tax is required.

I. Guilds

1. A system of guilds shall be introduced in Shireroth. Any specific area of economic activity may apply to the Ministry of Trade to be recognised as a guild.

2. Guilds will be limited to a specific area of economic activity, but within that area are allowed to require qualifications for membership with a basic framework drawn up by the Ministry of Trade. Guild members are also the only people allowed to charge for the service they render.

3. If membership qualifications are deemed excessive by the Ministry of Trade they may be changed by them.

4. If a Guild ever has no members left it will be disbanded.

Appendix A: The Charter

Appendix B: Procedures of the Landsraad

Appendix C: Decreebook

See also: Landsraad, The Charter, Procedures of the Landsraad, Kaiser