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The Empire of Absentia was located in the northwest of the mainland of Puritania, across the strait from New Puerto Rico.

Ruler: Jacobus II.

Citizens included Grand Duke Theo, Capt. Geoffrey T. Spaulding, Bongo Bo. Absentia was the staging base for Jacobian assistance to Madland during the New Puerto Rico crisis.

The major achievement of Absentia was the construction of the Starship Improvise using DSSI technology. The Improvise was in deep space when Puritania fell, and still exists.

Absentia, according to Grand Duke Ryan and as confirmed by Emperor Jacobus had become part of the Grand Duchy of Lac Glacei. Lac Glacei and all dependant terrtories were annexed by the Federal Republic of Cyberia on May 30th, 2007.

On the decolonization of the FRC, Absentia passed to the Imperial Republic of Shireroth. It has since become a Barony.


The Barony of Absentia currently has two counties, the County of Mar-Sara and the County of Western Absentia.