Duchess of Vattnaland

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Princess Fjǫrleif Llængjarla of Elwynn, the present Duchess of Vattnaland.

Duchess of Vattnaland was the title of office of the Royal Governor of the Princely Precinct of the Elwynnese Union which is known as Amokolia when it was styled Principality prior to the annexation of the Jeannite Kingdom. The present Duchess of Vattnaland is Princess Fjǫrleif Llængjarla of Elwynn.


The title of Duchess of Vattnaland is derived from the historic Amokolian province called Vattnaland, an area since ancient time inhabited by people of Viking descent. It in accordance with the policy of the King's Court of preventing a clash with the Royal Titulary since the occupant of the White Orchid Throne was to bear the title of Prince of Amokolia. Subsequently to the annexation of Jeannite Amokolia - when the style of the Elwynnese Princely Precinct called Amokolia was elevated from Principality to Kingdom - it was dropped as the title of office of the Royal Governor of Amokolia, but some time later re-introduced as a subsidiary title for the aforesaid Royal Governor.