Imperial Decree 791

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IMPERIAL DECREE 791: The Imperial Household

Hear! Hear!

1. There shall stand established an organization to be known as the Imperial Household and Heritage of the Golden Mango Throne (hereafter "the Imperial Household") to operate in support of and for the glory of the Kaiser of Shireroth (hereafter "the Kaiser") as well as the other members of the Imperial Family of the Lands of the Golden Mango Throne.

2. Subject to the authority of the Kaiser as well as the provisions of this and those of any other Imperial Decree, the Imperial Household shall be governed by the following ancient texts and the customs and traditions derived therefrom:

  • Black Book of the Household of the King of Anglethyr;
  • Black Book of the Exchequer of Thydtwinnster;
  • Lady Anne-Marie's Treatise on the Sovereign Household;
  • Les Coutumes du Maison du Duc de Normandie;
  • Statutes of Eltham;
  • Traité des Droits du Roi d'Ibelin;
  • Valtians Hirðskrá.

3. The Kaiser may regulate, in Zir absolute discretion, Zir Kaiseral Court as well as the Imperial Household, with power to attach penalties for their infringement, and such regulations shall carry the force of law. Nothing in this Imperial Decree shall be construed to prevent the Kaiser, as well as any other person acting with the gracious approval of the Kaiser, of introducing new customs and tradtions to the Imperial Household.

4. The outlandish personnel of the Imperial Household, both civil and (para-)military, shall be recruited from the best Athlonian Finishing Schools as well as those who would be eligible for being taken into the service in the Imperial Court of Wesloderia in Alexandria, the Imperial Court at the Vanadísarhall in Stormark, or the Imperial Court at Sansabury in Minarboria. The aforesaid members of the Imperial Household and their families shall be eligible to become Citizens of Shireroth if they wish so. The Kaiser shall provide for the well-being of the aforesaid.

5. The inlandish personnel of the Imperial Household, both civil and (para-)military, shall be recruited in accordance with a quota system which shall be designed to proportionally represent in the Household all the Peoples of the Shirithian Nation. The Kaiser shall provide for the well-being of the aforesaid.

6. With regard to the Imperial Household, the Kaiser shall have the full powers pertaining to the Supreme Governor of a Hirð. Zie may also make all the rules and regulations zie may deem necessary or expedient for the organization, officers, rank structure, training, discipline, efficiency, administration and good government of the the Imperial Household. The Golden Mango Throne shall be at liberty to delegate the aforesaid powers, or any part thereof, to the Stallari of the Imperial Household.

7. To exemplify the Kaiser's close relationship with all parts of the Shirithian People and national life in the Imperial Republic of Shireroth, and in addition to the various Imperial officials and support staff, the Imperial Household shall continue to incorporate representatives of other estates of the Shirithian Nation, including but not limited to clerics, scientists, musicians, poets, and artists, who shall hold honorary positions within the Imperial Household.


So Decreed in this Six Thousand Two Hundred and Fifth Year since the Founding of the Sector by the Hand Imperial of Hjalmar Heirðrson at the Kaiseral Court at Raynor's Keep.