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Total Population: eh
Region of Origin: Apollonia
Regions with Significant Populations:
  1. Kezan
  2. Benacia: Musica, Shirekeep, Mesior
  3. Natopia: Myrtillis, the Skerries

Languages: Antican Istvanistani

Religion: Providentialism
Holodomatic School

Famous Figures: Delphi Augustus
Benjamin Sebastocrator Timothy Quentin Kern
Places of Note Nafticon
Notable Achievements eh

Progenitor: Anteus (Legendary)
Date of Founding: eh

The Anticans are a polyethnic people that originated from southeastern Apollonia. At their height, they governed a series of regional power states, namely the Dinarchy of Antica, the Republic of Antica, and the Second Antican Republic. The Antican People are now mostly in diaspora as a result of the collapse of the Second Antican Republic, the occupation of core territory by other powers, and the remaining territory falling into anarchy.

Antican Ethnic Groups

Anticans traditionally viewed themselves as being divided into a set of ethnic groups, or tribes. These tribes were organized into two categories, Antiate Tribes and Aperiate Tribes. These are in accordance with Antican Legend, which link the Antiates together as descended from the sons of Anteus, while the Aperiates are together descended from various children of Aperys.

Each of the legendary tribes were associated with an archaic state or distinctive people from before the Dual Monarchy in Aquilaria. After that point onward, the distinction between the two classes of tribe blurred. The Dinarchy imposed Platean culture as the standard for the state, which, in combination with increased mobility and western settlement projects helped to create a unifying Antican culture, with regional distinctiveness preserved to varying degrees.

  • Antiate Tribes:
    • Kaikiates (Καικιαται) - established Kingdom of Kaikias
    • Glauiates (Γλαυιαται) - absorbed into Platea
    • Nafticates (Ναυτικαται) - established the League Nafticon
    • Plateans (Plateani) - Aquilarian League et al., later Province of Platea
    • Enealians (Enealiani) - absorbed into Platea
    • Salsicans (Salsicanoi) - merged with Phedodans as their elite class
  • Aperiate Tribes:
    • Phedodans (Phedodani) - established Kingdom of Phedodah
    • Aepyates (Αιπυαται) - absorbed into Kaikias
    • Korhali (Corrali)*
    • Aryashti (Ariasti)*

The Korhali and Aryashti maintained a level of autonomy and distinctive culture into historical time. The Korhali had become fully assimilated during the First Republic, while the Aryashti successfully maintained a distinct culture up to and beyond the end of the Second Republic and the diaspora.

Remnant populations

In recent years there have been increasing reports of a surviving remnant population in the present-day countries of Krasnarus, Coria and Jingdao, to a far lesser extent in the latter instance, owing to the genocidal nature of their occupation[1].
