Table of Ranks and Nobility

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The Table of Ranks is a formal list of positions and ranks in the military, government, and court of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth. Kaiser Dominus introduced the system in 1643, via Imperial Decree TBA, whilst engaged in an ongoing struggle, begun by his predecessor Kaiser Hjalmar Redquill, to establish an overarching and unifying Imperial identity for Shireroth.

Vir Optimus/Vir Maximus -- Best Man, Greatest Man -- Rulers
Grade Imperial Household Ranks Imperial Forces Ranks Imperial Government Ranks Imperial Dominion Ranks Imperial State Ranks Sentinels
I - Zir Magnificus (Niftiness) n/a n/a The Kaiser(in/ess) n/a n/a 16
II - Zir Gloriosus/Serenissimus Chamberlain Magister Primum / Amiratus Amiratorum / Marshal of the Air Forces Steward n/a King/Queen 14
Zir Eximius -- Remarkable Man -- Nobles, Officers of State, Local Notables -- Citizens
Grade Imperial Household Ranks Imperial Forces Ranks Imperial Government Ranks Imperial Dominion Ranks Imperial State Ranks Sentinels
III - Zir Illustris Commissioner of Petitions
Commissioner of Pleas
Commissioner of the Crypteia
Magister Generalis / Admiral
Magister Militum / Vice-Admiral
Magister Equitum / Rear Admiral
Imperial Minister Prefect Prince
Duke / Royal Governor
IV - Zir Spectabilis Court Historian and Notary of Raynor's Keep
Dux / Commodore / Air-Commodore
Imperial Legate / Captain / Group Captain
Holders of Imperial Commissions Counts-Palatine
Count / Warden 8
V - Zir Clarissimus Grand Imperial Neutered Servitor Tribunus Laticlavius / Commander / Wing Commander Lord Elector Mayor Bailiff/Mayor 4
Vir Bonus/Vir Bonitatis -- Good man, Man of Quality -- Subjects
Grade Imperial Household Ranks Imperial Forces Ranks Imperial Government Ranks Imperial Dominion Ranks Imperial State Ranks Sentinels
VI - Zir Nobilis Warden of the Inner Sanctum of the Imperial Court Tribunus Angusticlavius /Lt. Cmdr / Squadron Leader Denizen n/a n/a n/a
VII - Zir Eques Warden of the Outer Sanctum of the Imperial Court Centurion / Lieutenant (naval) / Flight Lieutenant
Optio / Sub Lieutenant / Pilot or Flying Officer
Midshipman / Acting Pilot Officer
Chief Clerk
Lesser Counts
- - -
Vir Immeritus/Vir sine Merito
Grade Imperial Household Ranks Imperial Forces Ranks Imperial Government Ranks Imperial Dominion Ranks Imperial State Ranks Sentinels
VIII - Plebeians Servants - Clerks
- - 0
IX - Foreigners Neutered Servitors
Musicians & Entertainers
n/a n/a n/a n/a 0
X - Servitors (zombots) Servus Servus Servus Servus Servus 0