Mirza Soleimanzadeh

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Official portrait

Mahmoud Soleimanzadeh Erzelyun, better known as Mirza Soleimanzadeh, born in 1578 and died in 1598 in the Babkhan Holocaust, was a Babkhan emir (Emir of Sathrati, 1589–1598) and government official (Grand Vizier, Vizier of War, Senior Emir) of Elwynnese (Elfinshi) extraction. He was the son of Kaspar Soleiman. Known for his brutality in handling slaves, and in Shireroth, famous for the various communiqués (on behalf of the Shah) to Kaiser Ometeotl II that refused to acknowledge Ometeotl's kaisership. He died in the Babkhan Holocaust. Married to Balqis Addurasalaam.

Preceded by:
Kaspar Soleimân
Emir of Sathrati
Succeeded by:
Lady Esther