Hunters of the Stag

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The Hunters of the Stag are a diversionary sect of Cedrism who worship Horjin. They reside on the Isle of Naudia'Diva, are animist in their beliefs, and are considered by some to be technologically backwards.




Rune Pronunciation Old Meaning Modern Meaning Character Origin
Rune-a.PNG -Ah Female Female
Rune-at.PNG Att Peace Water Shaking Hands
Rune-au.PNG Aouw Shield Shield Shield
Rune-ax.PNG Acks Life Life
Rune-di.PNG Dee Death Death
Rune-el.PNG Ell Victory Sword Sword
Rune-er.PNG Err Resilience Earth
Rune-es.PNG Ess Wind
Rune-et.PNG Ehtt Sword Fire Sword
Rune-fa.PNG Fah Crops Scythe
Rune-ga.PNG Gah Not
Rune-gi.PNG Ghee Strength Air
Rune-go.PNG Goh Fire
Rune-hor.PNG Hoar Cat Animal Eye
Rune-ig.PNG Igg Stealth
Rune-jin.PNG Jean God God Eye
Rune-k.PNG -Chk Plural Plural
Rune-le.PNG Lay Spear Trident
Rune-n.PNG -N- Spirit
Rune-pe.PNG Pay Plant Tree
Rune-ra.PNG Rah Sky
Rune-re.PNG Ray Light Sun
Rune-ri.PNG Riee Water River
Rune-ru.PNG Rooh Earth Mountains
Rune-sa.PNG Saw Sun Sun
Rune-se.PNG Say Lightning Spear Lightning
Rune-si.PNG Siee Dark
Rune-ta.PNG Tah Sound
Rune-te.PNG Tay Body Man
Rune-to.PNG Tooh Moon Moon
Rune-us.PNG Oose Bow Bow Bow
Rune-ve.PNG Vay Less
Rune-vi.PNG Viee House House Town

Nine Traditions Of Sagittarius

The traditions of the sect are as follows: 1. Hospitality
Everyone, regardless of race, creed, or nationality, shall be provided hospice. 2. The Sacred Hunt
You have been granted a Sacred Hunt and a Quarry. It is your purpose to pursue them without relenting. 3. Peace
We are more than animals, and armed conflict is the way of beasts. Do not fight without honor or reason. 4. Artistry
Art is what separates man from beast. The pursuit of the arts, in any form, should take precedence in your life. 5. Commune
Show others the respect you wish to receive yourself. 6. Domain
The Island is sacred land. Treat it as such, and punish those who don't. 7. Destruction
Should the Island, the arts, or nature ever be threatened, it is your responsibility to protect them with your life. 8. Station
Show respect to those of higher station than you, but only respect they deserve. 9. Mission
Protect and serve the Temple of Horjin, for it is your life, your love, and your home.


The Triat is the main body of leadership for the Hunters of the Stag. It is comprised of the First, the High Priest, and the Aurajinrale. The larger yet less powerful governing body for the Hunters of the Stag is the Pentat, which consists of the Triat, but adds the Guardian and the Armorer. The Pentat is representative of the first five Hunters (Sagittarius, Rutaus, Segovia, Penryn, and Torat), while the Triat is representative of the three aspirations of Hunters.

Rites of the Hunters of the Stag

The Initiation Ceremony
The Rite of the Earth-Mother
The Rite of War
The Rite of the Great Hunt
The Funeral Rite
The Birthrite
The Bloodhunt


Horjinic magic is different from most other magics in that it manipulates spirits into performing actions for the spell caster. Horjinic mages follow several paths of magic, each related to an animal or object prevalent in Hunter's lives. All Hunters learn the Path of the Questing Stone, and most learn the [[Path of the Stalking Tiger]], though this is not always the case.

Notable Hunters

Besides Sagittarius and the other original Hunters, there have been a few Notable Hunters across the ages.


The Siege of the Questing Stone