Aviel Muur

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Aviel Muur
Full Name: Aviel Muur
Alias Aviel

Aviel Muur.png

Physical Description
Gender: Female
Species: Elf
Race: Elfinshi
Hair Color and Style: Half long, usually dyed blue
Eye Color: Grey
Skin Color: White

Biographical Information
Father: Eldandil Muur
Mother: Vendethiel Aiglos
Date of Birth: 1604
Place of Birth: Alaraxia Commune, Production Township of Falas, Bailiwick of the Phoenix Forest, County of Illumination & Cimmeria
Date of Death: 1624
Place of Death: Ardashirshahr
Current Residence(s): Adabistaan College Campus of the People's Academy in Ardashirshahr
Nationality at Birth: Elwynnese
Current Allegiance(s): Elfinshi Liberation Army/Elfinshi Fury
Occupation: Political Agitator/Student

Aviel Muur was an Elfinshi student and rights activist.

Life in Ardashirshahr

Aviel held a Tlygowa Scholarship and was working parttime in a library.


Aviel was a member of the militant civil rights movement known as Elfinshi Fury and as a consequence moved in the same circles as the more hostile and extremist Elfinshi Liberation Army which advocated a policy of violent separation from the human population of Elwynn and the conduct of active reprisals against the Babkhi population of the country.

Relationship with Noor Bint Danyial


Cold Case Investigation