Barony of K'Tzuni

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K'Tzuni Flag.PNG

[[Image:{{{coat of arms}}}|100px]]

Feudal Status: Barony
Capital: Brookshire Hamlet
Largest Cities: Crestfall Downs, Eriksburg, Crestfallen, Raynor Point

Local Leadership Title: The Baron
Local Government: Laschist Autocracy (Laqi Populist)
Current leader: Maksym Hadjimehmetov

Local language: English, Laqi
Local Religion: Cedrism, Jewish, Muslim and Matbaic Orthodox Christian minorities

The Barony of K'Tzuni, is a barony within the Duchy of Brookshire, and consists of the Counties of Modan-lach, Lywind, Shimmerspring and Crestfall Downs. It is currently ruled over by Maksym Hadjimehmetov who is also the Count of Modan Lach. The exact origin of the name K'Tzuni is unknown, although it may be an ancient Laqi word meaning 'land of the wealthy plains'.


K'Tzuni is a relatively small barony with a substantial sea coast and a large inland area of mountainous and steppe regions. Modan-lach is perhaps the wealthiest and most fertile of the counties, as much trade is conducted via sea routes. The Barony borders the Barony of Dolor to the north and east, and the Barony of Solecsism to the west. No major rivers cross through the barony, the largest flowing through Brookshire Hamlet.


K'Tzuni is a relatively recent invention as barony, created under the reign of Kaiser Mors V. No territorial disputes exist, though it was considered that the archipelago of islands lying due south of Modan-Lach in the Shire Sea should have been made part of the new barony. This claim on what is Yardistan's land has since been revoked, and K'Tzuni remained a peaceful barony until the Kildare Rebellion, when its baron, Maksym Hadjimehmetov, declared support for the Kaiser. During this time, K'Tzuni's forces supported Kaiser Mors V and their destruction of the Elwynn Sluice, causing the flooding and devastation of the rebel-held capital of Shirekeep, led to Hadjimehmetov declaring a state of emergency and founding the Provisional Free State of K'Tzuni, founded by him to ensure a non-rebel held stronghold for any legal successor to the throne to return to. The Declaration of patriotic and royalist succession, as Hadjimehmetov termed it, was viewed by many with scrutiny as they saw it as an illegal act. This was Hadjimehmetov's first act as Baron-General and Protector of the Shirereithan Throne after his resigning his Shirereithan citizenship in January 2007. K'Tzuni regained activity in late February 2008 after the Laschist Revival in which a Laschist Populist government was installed by Hadjimehmetov in K'Tzuni.


The Flag of the {{{nameofbarony}}}

Baron: {{{nameofbaron}}}
Date of Succession: {{{dateofsuccession}}}
Duchy: Brookshire
Counties: Modan-lach, Lywind, Crestfall Downs, Shimmerspring
Capital: {{{capital}}}