Kaiser Raynor II

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Line of Raynor
Crest of Raynor

Raynor I - Raynor II - Raynor III
Raynor IV - Raynor V - Raynor VI
Raynor VII - Raynor VIII - Raynor IX
Raynor X - Raynor XI - Agni I
Mira Raynora Major - Mira Raynora Minor

Progenitor: Raynor I

Kaiser Raynor II was one of the earliest Shirerithian Kaisers.

According to legend, he grew mad with power and felt himself worthy to become a god. He hired the greatest craftsmen of Micras to construct a mighty catapult to fling him into Heaven. The catapult was completed, and Raynor II was flung off into the sky and never heard from again. Differing legends claim that he became the Man in the Moon, that he formed Lake Christoph, and that he succeeded in his attempt and became the God of Ideas That Sounded Good At The Time.

External link: The Legend of Raynor II

Preceded by:
Erik I
Succession of the Shirithian Kaisership
Succeeded by:
Brrapa II