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This bill put before the Landsraad by Ari Rahikkala the Duke of Straylight on November 5th 2007, passed unanimously 4 days later with 5 votes.

0. This bill amends LawBook chapter V section B, "Ministry of the Interior".

1. Chapter V section A, subsection 2, subsubsection a, "It is the duty of the Minister of the Interior to archive an additional past month of the General Discussion forum each month." shall be stricken.

2. A new subsection shall be added to chapter V section A:

"4. The Ministry of the Interior shall maintain weekly forum database backups. 4. a. Backups older than a month may be removed, except for the last backup of that month. Backups older than a year, even the last backup of a month, may be removed, except for the last backup of that year. 4. b. Backup duty may be delegated to a trusted Shirithian citizen."