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The Island of Nafticon is a small island in the Jaris Gulf on the MCS map.

The island was discovered in 1066 by a horde of sheep-loving New Zealanders when they became lost in a storm. They sucessfully killed all of the inhabitants, a strange cross between a human and a rabbit, and took posession of the island for their devious purposes. The island remained relatively uninhabited until, in 2004, the Dinarchy of Antica established the city of Nafticon on the Island of Nafticon, thus making it the most redundant city in the whole of Micras.

Later that year, the Dinarchy established the Combat Information Center in a bunker in one of the island's many mountains, and made it the main naval hub for the nation.

In 2005, the Republic of Antica seized control of the island for use as their sole posession, taking the CIC and the ships with it, leaving the Dinarchy without a navy. The Dinarchy was soon absorbed by Shireroth, and victory was declared by the revolutionaries.

Today, the island serves as the capital reigon of the Republic of Antica, housing the entire armed forces, as well as the capitol and at least a few sheep farms that date to about 1066. Olorix, a citizen of the Republic, is a descendant of the first invaders of the island, and visits these farms regularly.