Line of Wythe

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Line of Wythe

Wythe I

Progenitor: Wythe I

Line: Wythe
Progenitor: Wythe I
Established: 4700

Bio: The Line of Wythe is a recently discovered Imperial Bloodline. Geneaological research revealed that the family line of Wythe is descended from Raynor I by way of an extra-marital affair with a woman (Ithistra) from the Elwynn delta region. The line became a major line in 4700 ASC when Johnathan Nelson Wythe II, Duke of Goldshire, acended the Mango Throne. The Line was superceded in being the most recently discovered bloodline by the foundation of the Line of Octavius in 5220 ASC.

Further reading - Report of Crown Geneaologist 4721 ASC