Lest (God of Elwynn)

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Lest is a God, considered in some traditions as a demon, who is in the Elwynnese and Treesian traditions a twin to Elwynn containing her equal and opposite attributes and as such constituting one half of the symbolic and sundered unity that the pair represent. He is more properly considered to be a transformative god of destruction whose eventual and inevitable rape of Elwynn, the goddess of life, will herald the end times.

Lest in Mythology

Paragon's Tale

Thus spake Paragon, Mother of the Gods:

"O children, hear what Fate, which rules us all Has in its awful majesty decreed A set of twins within my womb now grows Engendered by the Universe's seed One will be Elwynn named; as white as snow Will be her skin; as white as cloud her hair And from her birth, she shall embody all That's right and just, and wonderful, and fair."

The Summa Theologica

Ric Lyon, duke of Elwynn, taught:

"According to the legends, Elwynn had a twin called Lest. Elwynn was born white, but Lest black as coal. The two children are separated at birth. Lest is taken by this witch called Ilass to some tower somewhere that is owned by the Empress of Eons, but Elwynn is taken by some other god (this one called Utas) to a river fortress on the Benacian continent. (They were all gods and so, they were all brothers and sisters)

Let's just first expand a bit on Utas's life at the moment. It is said that he walked all the way from Tapfer to Alteria (so much for Bill's one-kilometre law). Anyway, the point is, this Utas god travelled around the world a lot, so he knew the world and everything. So we can say he was a bit smart.

One day Utas found the source of the River Elwynn (it wasn't called that then of course) between two hills. He built a fortress tower there. Araxion it was called and was almost a skyscraper in those days' terms.

It was to Araxion that Utas later brought Elwynn (the little baby goddess of ours) and she was brought up there. Lucky little thing. She liked the forests, hills and streams. Apparently there were forests in that time, but no way there could be forests there today due to the permafrost and all. The source is up north of the Arctic Circle. Weather must have been hotter in those days...

A nice little quote on Elwynn's life: "When Elwynn walked the land, the darkest storm would dissipate into a welcome breeze" Aw..

She lived a happy life in Araxion, and when she was seven she was promised trips to meet her parents in Ennabruk, the gods' city.

The gods in Ennabruk had heard a lot about Elwynn and all awaited her with excitement. When she came with her fosterer she was dressed in beautiful clothes. The clothes were so beautifully sewn that even the moon's sculptor acknowledged the clothes to be superior to his art.

It all was so cute and all... Everybody must have nipped her cheeks and that. You know how family reunions are for a seven-year-old kid. But suddenly! Her brother, Lest, came, led by that witch, Ilass. Lest had been raised by Ilass his whole life, but he had somehow always been wicked. Ilass was a good woman once -- highly respected and awed and all that -- but Lest manipulated her to evil. When Lest entered the Chamber of Gods, where all gods were summoned (including Elwynn), he said with a firm voice:

I am the Chosen, the Child of Fate I am here your dominion to end With Fire, with Darkness, with Anger and Hate Your Thrones and your Chamber to rend I am the Nightfall, and I will prevail As surely as Dusk follows Day Surrender! Your might is predestined to fail If you use it to force me away!

This resulted in a huge fight. After many had died, and many escaped only Lest and Utas were left. They shouted words at each other, both saying "I'll win, you'll lose".

And there ends the first book of Orchids, I will have to find more about our goddess and her twin brother in the next book.

Brilliant thing the Book is. You must read it. And my summary only talks about some few little things."

A Babki Fragment

The Babkhi version of the story as taught by the Ardashir the first:

"At the river Elwynn's source did dwell Utas the jinn, whom after many a year of no consequence did receive that girl whose eyes sparkled as gems and whose skin as white as snow and as smooth as silk. The one known as Elwynn, the twin of the devil Lest. All creation paid homage to her beauty and she in turn grew to love the river, and the woods it raised and every day she frolicked in the streams. Such was her beauty that the waters themselves were swoon and jealous nymphs for countless centuries thereafter would adopt her visage to seduce unwary mortal man to a drowning death.

Hands unseen worked their ill magic so that Lest and Elwynn did conceive of the most unnatural and monstrous lust for each other, their foul courtship disturbing the heavens and despoiling this very earth.

It had been that Utas the Jinn first sat upon the throne of Elywnn, and was master of the river. He took up his abode in the mountains, and clad himself and his people in bearskins, and from him sprang all kindly nurture and the arts of clothing, till then unknown. Men and beasts from all parts of the earth came to do him homage and receive laws at his hands, and his glory was like to the sun.

Yet all glory, even when justly earned, is fleeting for Utas was defeated and expelled from the Mortal Realm by Lest.

When Elwynn and Lest the Black did first meet as but children at the feast of doomed Ennabruk, the flames of their lust put to rout the gods and angels who watched over them, conspiring for the sake of creation to keep them apart. When a company of angels did drag Elwynn away Utas lingered to deal the fatal blow to the Deev Lest, but the Deev was mightier than he, and overcame him, and crushed him under his hands."

A latter day vision of Lest

Recorded by SAVAK agents monitoring Tolki Uibderion, Galisyin assigned to Dragonskeep:

"I have seen a great game played across eons between a lady wearing a white orchid in her hair, and a man wearing a black orchid upon his coat. Once the lady walked beside the Kaiser of Shireroth and whispered in his ear, and the man sat behind the Shah of Babkha and moved his hand. And the two of them manoeuvred armies and puppet states like chess pieces, here a temporary victory for the one, there a minor coup for the other, but always a balance between two evenly matched players. So it went for an age of the world.

Then the Kaisers of Shireroth grew weak and foolish, and when the lady whispered in their ears, they heard nothing. And when they moved at all, the white pieces on the chessboard moved of their own accord, without coordination, without strategy. Still the dark man moved the hand of the Shah, and with the skill of a grand master he sprung trap after trap; here Natopia, there Antica. Then with a crushing blow he took the white lady's queen upon a space marked "Eliria".

In desperation the white lady sought champion after champion: here she spoke to the Nohsi of Ashkenatza, and for a time he tried to move the white pieces, but there were too many of them, and his reach was too short. In vain she whispered to the Emperor of Alexandria, whose people were too decadent to see the threat approaching them from all sides. Only in the Dream-Origin, where we had never lost the white lady, was her voice still heard, but there were few of us, and in the scheme of the game we were a knight at best.

And every moment, the Shah moved his pieces, here castling, here checking, gathering his power bit by bit. And the white pieces fought well, but without coordination or strategy.

The Shining Garden no longer has faith in Shirekeep. Once we thought Kolmenitzkiy would be our champion, but they too are weak. There is only one path left to us, a path so difficult that some will call it madness. We must open the eyes and ears of every created being on the face of Micras to the words of the White Lady. Those who once marched to the orders of kings and princes must take their marching orders directly from the divine spark in which their being is grounded. When all beings are divine, all beings will be the same being, and will cooperate without kings, fight side by side without field marshals. We have proven it possible in Raikoth. Now we must enlighten the world."