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Originally interested in micronations via article, Thoenen first tried to found his own micronation. Several failed attempts at this, such as Helios and the Federated Syndicates, got very little online activity. Most citizens were recruited from school friends and almost never came online, let alone to the EzBoard. Eventually, Thoenen made Helios a protectorate of Babkha, after which point it became even weaker and eventually died entirely. Thoenen attempted further micronational creation, with several breaks when trying to escape the micronational addiction. These micronations included Thorn, Aeus, and several other non-published ideas. WarVoid (Ryan Caruso) was involved in both of these. At the same time, Thoenen was an active citizen of Babkha and Feianova. He worked for the Babkhan military in the Yemin Zoka (intelligence-gathering division) and had admin in Slobovia as a Minister. He also decided he was sick of micronationalism. As such, he decided to go out with a bang. Or, rather, he "attempted" to infiltrate Antica. He used no proxy IP or other form of secrecy, deciding to simply be caught for the fun of it. Unfortunately, at the same time, SHINE and the AMI had been using stolen passwords from Thoenen to their advantage. After Thoenen's "espionage" was "revealed", William Jesmer was given Thoenen's password information. This was all he needed to initiate the Gobbler attacks, which vandalized Slobovia, banning Troy, and destroyed Feianova. An earlier destruction of the Aeian website is still unexplained, and Aeus never recovered from the attack, as Thoenen never attempted to rebuild the site. After leaving, Thoenen came back, on better terms with [[Delphi Augustus]] and the rest of Antica, while becoming a citizen of Lemuria and, once again, Babkha, where he was convicted of treason in relation to his attempted deception of the Babkhan military command. This was only foiled by certain members of Shireroth and Antica looking at the Geocities account of Thoenen, where several incriminating files were found. In 2005, Thoenen unexpectedly left Babkha and joined Antica under his real name, Greg. Greg has been notable in Antica for his strong support of Dinarch Delphi Augustus in the face of overwhelming opposition to him, as well as for remaining loyal to the Dinarchy despite everyone's expectations. Greg has helped Delphi Augustus write much of the PHP code used on the Antican site.