Agni I

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Please see discussion to see what needs to be done to improve the article. MALARBOR WILL BE PLEASED!
Malarbor.png Current Kaiser
This page details the current Kaiser of Shireroth, who is mentally unstable. As such, information on this page may change without warning, violently, and occasionally smelling of mangoes.
Line of Raynor
Crest of Raynor

Raynor I - Raynor II - Raynor III
Raynor IV - Raynor V - Raynor VI
Raynor VII - Raynor VIII - Raynor IX
Raynor X - Raynor XI - Agni I
Mira Raynora Major - Mira Raynora Minor

Progenitor: Raynor I

Kaiser Agni I

Kaiser Agni I is the 95th Kaiser of Shireroth. He succeeded Reynardine I in 3443 AC.

Imperial Decrees

Imperial Decrees made by this Kaiser: Imperial Decree 354, Imperial Decree 355, Imperial Decree 356, Imperial Decree 357, Imperial Decree 358, Imperial Decree 359.

Preceded by:
Reynardine I
Succession of the Shirithian Kaisership
Succeeded by: