Shirerithian–Hoennese Interplanetary Postal, Trade, and Transportation Company

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SHIP-TTC logo.png

The Shirerithian–Hoennese Interplanetary Postal, Trade, and Transportation Company (Japanese (Hoenn): 赤豐世際郵貿輸社; classical native reading: Ama-Toyo Yokifa Siyukuba-Akinafi-Itasi Kumiai; modern native reading: Ama-Doyo Yo‘ha Su'ba-A‘ne-Idas Kume, Chinese-derived reading: Se‘ho Yose Yubosusa) is a Shirerithian–Hoennese company, headquartered in Shirekeep, involved with trade between Hoenn and Shireroth.

Current ownership (as of 1655) is as follows:

Shareholder Shares
Cimmerian Spirits LLC 10
County Palatine of Kezan 50
Emirate of Sathrati 29
Eparchy of Smjörkýr 40
ESB-Jörmungandr Group 35
Hoennese Realm 250
Imperial Investment Bank in Caputia 10
Kern Industries 5
Royal Iron Company 20
Ryker Airships 20
Saint Andre Trading Company 25
Basileusan Bank of the Free and Associative Kingdom of Constancia 5
Voltruvian Motors GmbH 1