Liv Dravot

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Liv Djupvik (born 1615 in Shirekeep) is the Khanum of Cabbagefall and former wife of Adam Ayreon-Kalirion, former Khan of Cabbagefall, and current executive leader of Goldshire.

The daughter of Nilu Sólason (b. 1577 in Hurmu) and Kristina Djupvik (b. 1580 in Nordiskehjem, Normark), Liv grew up in Shirekeep. Her father Nilu is the son of Arviður Andelarjunarbroðir (b. 1535), former Baron of K'Tzuni (1558–1559), and Jurist of Small Commonwealth Court since 1558, and Sól Míudottar (b. 1543 in Hurmu).

Graduated from Metzler University in 1638, thereafter working in real estate until 1644.

Liv had, over time, become an acquaintance and then a friend of Queen Noor. During the Oustfest Massacre, the triumphant Adam remembered the family friend and made a visitation to Liv's residence. Travelling in disguise, owing to the disorder then prevalent in the city, he was initially mistaken for his brother Aldin. Nonetheless he was welcomed and received guest rights, whereupon he initiated intimate relations with Liv, his host and a considerably older woman, off his own initiative. Having found her performance satisfactory to his requirements, Adam made her subject to a marital contract and inducted her into his household in the Babkhan fashion. He subsequently had her brought into Goldshire where on 14 Oskalteq 1644, he formally decreed into law her new standing as Khanum of Cabbagefall.

Her feelings regarding her new circumstances went unrecorded.

Following the fall of Cabbagefall, Liv, Adam and their entourage were arrested and brought to Shirekeep. Liv was released and made a guest of Kaiseress Noor, where on 8 Gevraquun 1645, Liv gave birth to a son, Vidar Salim Livarson. Thereafter, Noor, as Queen of Goldshire decreed the marriage dissolved, terminated Adam's title Khan of Cabbagefall, and passed it on to Liv who now was Khanum of Cabbagefall in her own right. This awarded Liv considerable political power in Goldshire under the Codex Aureus Regni.

Titles and Positions

  • 1615–1644: Lady Liv Djupvik
  • 1615–present: Lady of the Holy Lakes.
  • 1644–1645: Her Imperial Highness The Khanum of Cabbagefall (consort)
  • 1645–present: Her Royal Highness The Khanum of Cabbagefall (in her own right)