Liv Dravot

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Liv Djupvik (born 1615 in Shirekeep) is the Khanum of Cabbagefall and wife of Adam Ayreon-Kalirion, Khan of Cabbagefall.

The daughter of Nilu Sólason (b. 1577 in Hurmu) and Kristina Djupvik (b. 1580 in Nordiskehjem, Normark), Liv grew up in Shirekeep. Her father Nilu is the son of Arviður Andelarjunarbroðir (b. 1535), former Baron of K'Tzuni (1558–1559), and Jurist of Small Commonwealth Court since 1558, and Sól Míudottar (b. 1543 in Hurmu).

Graduated from Metzler University in 1538, thereafter working in real estate until her marriage with Adam. Family friend of Queen Noor. During the Oustfest Massacre, Adam took refuge at Liv's home, where he raped her, and decided to marry her. He brought her to Goldshire where on 14 Oskalteq 1644, he decreed that they were from then on married.

Titles and Positions

  • 1615–1644: Miss Liv Djupvik, Lady of the Holy Lakes.
  • 1644–pres.: Her Imperial Highness The Khanum of Cabbagefall