House of Ettlingar Freyu

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The coat of arms of the House of Ettlingar Freyu
The coat of arms of the Imperial Branch of the House of Ettlingar Freyu

The House of Ettlingar Freyu is a prominent international Imperial and Royal Dynasty of Divine and Elvish origin. It has ties to several monarchies of the High Table of Micras. The House has also ruled, and still rules, over several kingdoms, principalities and empires.


Ettlingar Freyu means "Descendants of Freyja" in Froyalanish and Wintergleamish, which signifies that the House descends from the Goddess Freyja. The House of Ettlingar Freyu descends from the Lady Divine Freyja through Her daughter Hnoss.

History of the House

According to legend ancient beyond the memory of woman the House of Ettlingar Freyu was founded when the Goddess Freyja left a basket with a Valtian chieftain called Heiðlindur Gunnleifursson of the House of Hjalteyri with an infant in it. There also was a note in the basket that the babe was a descendant of hers and destined to great future. She also commanded the Jarl Heiðlindur to raise the child as his own. The name of the infant was Björka Hnossdóttir and she is the progenitor mortal of the House of Ettlingar Freyu.

Branches of the House

  • Heartland Branch, also known as the Imperial Branch;
  • Hjattfjelldal Branch;
  • Holmborg Branch;
  • Jorvik-Storborg Branch;
  • Kjøpsvik Branch.

House Laws

The House of Ettlingar Freyu is nowadays chiefly governed by two dynastic documents: the Pact of Flóðhǫll and the Law of Ettlingar Freyu.