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*The most recent version of the charter was put into place by [[Kaiser Letifer II]] on, 2/15/2006 at 15:53.
*The most recent version of the charter was put into place by [[Kaiser Letifer II]] on, 2/15/2006 at 15:53.
*From 27/10/2007 until 26/02/2008 the Imperial Charter was suspended by [[Kaiser Mors V]] and restored by his Steward, [[Jacobus Loki]].
*From 27/10/2007 until 26/02/2008 the Imperial Charter was suspended by [[Kaiser Mors V]] and restored by his Steward, [[Jacobus Loki]]. Both actions had Praetor approval.
*[[Kaiser Loki III]] with the support of Praetor [[Jonas]] amended the Charter 8/12/2008.
*[[Kaiser Loki III]] with the support of Praetor [[Jonas]] amended the Charter 8/12/2008.

Revision as of 06:17, 11 December 2008

The Imperial Charter of Shireroth is the current name for what was formerly called The Constitution of Shireroth. The new name was adopted in order to avoid confusion with the Constitution of the United States of America. The charter can be amended by the Kaiser of Shireroth with the approval of the Prætor of the Landsraad, but only when a change is dubbed absolutely necessary.

Imperial Charter of Shireroth

Article I: The Kaiser.

Section A: Definition of the Kaisership.

a. The Kaiser of Shireroth is the supreme ruler, and noble, of Shireroth.
b. The Kaisership may be held by both male and female rulers. A male ruler shall be known as a Kaiser, a female ruler shall be known as a Kaiseress. The term "Kaiser" may be used to refer to the Kaisership without regard to gender. This document shall use the masculine to refer to both genders.

Section B: Powers of the Kaiser.

a. All supreme Executive, Legislative, and Judicial powers of Shireroth shall be vested in the Kaiser.
b. The Kaiser may make any decree regarding the operation, behavior, functions and/or policy of Shireroth, as well as any actions he deems fit, as long as they do not violate this Charter.
c. The Kaiser is the Supreme Commander of all Militia, Military, and/or any other armed forces within Shireroth and/or under Shireroth control.
d. The Kaiser may delegate his powers to lesser officials known as Ministers.
e. All Imperial Law, set down by the Kaiser shall be recorded in the Decreebook.
f. Any bill, act, measure, dictate, statement or order passed, issued by, or put before the Landsraad may be vetoed by the Kaiser for any reason, at any time. The Kaiser may vest others with veto powers over the Landsraad, second only to the Kaiser.

Section C: Heir to the Throne.

a. The Kaiser before the end of his reign as Kaiser must pick a successor from among all living individuals, eligible by birthright.
b. Should the Kaiser die or abdicate the throne, the Kaisership shall pass to his successor.
c. Should no heir have been chosen, the successor shall be the closest related, living individual eligible by birthright.

Section D: Restrictions Upon the Kaiser

a. The Kaiser may hold no citizenship outside of Shireroth.
b. The Kaiser may not use his Landsraad veto on matters of voting percentages and procedures, and/or internal decorum within the Landraad. c. The Kaiser may not remove the Praetor, or himself be elected Praetor.
d. The Kaiser may not appoint himself Arbiter of the Imperial Judex.
e. The Kaiser may not vote on matters concern the revocation of a decree for violation of this Charter, nor may he use his power of veto on such matters.

Section E: The Steward.

a. In times when a successor is below thirteen years of age, a Steward of Shireroth shall be appointed by a majority of the Landsraad, if there is no current Steward.
b. A steward shall be appointed by the Kaiser or Landsraad should the Kaiser take temporary leave of his throne.
c. Should the Kaiser have no stated heir, the Steward shall become the head of Shireroth until a successor can be found. Should no Steward be appointed at this time, the Landsraad shall convene and elect one.
d. The Landsraad may elect a Steward at anytime it feels one is necessary, with the approval of the Kaiser.
e. The Kaiser may at anytime appoint or dismiss a Steward.
f. The Steward of Shireroth shall be vested with all the Executive, Legislative and Judicial powers of the Kaiser but may not repeal or amend Imperial Decrees of the current ruling Kaiser. When there is no Kaiser upon the throne the Steward may revoke or amend decrees of past Kaisers, but may hold no citizenship outside of Shireroth.
g. The steward is subject to all restrictions placed upon the Kaiser by the Charter.

Article II: Landsraad.

Section A: Powers of the Landsraad.

a. The Landsraad shall be vested, through the good grace of the Kaiser, with the legislative powers of Shireroth.
b. The Landsraad may set its own rules for voting percentages and procedures, and internal decorum, without outside interference.
c. The Landsraad may take no action that violates this Charter, the Lawbook, or Imperial Decrees of the Kaiser.
d. Neither the Landsraad, nor any body it creates, has authority or jurisdiction over the Kaiser or this Charter.
e. All permanent law set down by the Landsraad shall be recorded in the Lawbook. Treaties, resolutions, and other temporary measures passed by the Landsraad need not be recorded in the Lawbook.

Section B: Sessions of the Landsraad.

a. The Kaiser has the power to dismiss, and recall to session, the Landsraad at anytime.
b. Should the Kaiser die or abdicate the throne, the Landsraad shall be automatically called to session.
c. The Landsraad may dismiss itself from Session at any time.
d. If there is neither a Kaiser nor a Steward, the Landsraad is automatically called to session and may not dismiss itself until a Kaiser or Steward is on the throne.

Section C: Members of the Landsraad.

a. The Landsraad shall consist of the Nobles of Shireroth.
b. Nobles may pick their own successor from among those eligible by birthright. Should no heir be available the Kaiser shall appoint the next noble.
c. The Kaiser has the power to create and destroy subdivisions as he sees fit. The Kaiser has the power to reshape the borders of any subdivision as he sees fit.
d. The Landsraad may remove a subdivision’s seat from the Landsraad, thereby disbanding the subdivision completely and redefining the lands as necessary.
e. Only Nobles of Shireroth or Emissaries appointed by a noble may speak or vote within the Landsraad. The nobles of the Landsraad may allow non-nobles to speak within the Landsraad under procedures specified by the Landsraad.
f. Nobles of Shireroth may not violate this Charter, Imperial Decrees, Landsraad Procedures, or the Lawbook.

Section D: The Prætor

a. The Prætor of Shireroth may only be elected by the nobility of the Shireroth, from among the full-citizens of the Shireroth. The Prætor does not have to be a Noble of Shireroth. The Kaiser shall manage the election of the Prætor by the Landsraad, and shall act as Prætor of the Landsraad until one is immediately elected.
b. The Prætor of Shireroth shall preside over the Landsraad as chairman. His purpose and duty shall be to call a meeting of the Landsraad to order, tally votes, close votes, generally manage, and keep order within the Landsraad; as well as keep records of all bills and resolutions passed during his tenure.
c. The Landsraad may further specify the powers of the Prætor within the Landsraad.
d. The Prætor may not violate this Charter, Imperial Decrees, Landsraad Procedures, or the Lawbook.

Article III: The Arbiter

Section A: Powers of The Arbiter

a. The Arbiter of Shireroth is vested with judicial powers second only to the Kaiser.
b. The Arbiter is appointed by the Kaiser. The Arbiter may not be an officer of the Landsraad, the Kaiser, or the Steward.
c. The Arbiter may be dismissed by the Kaiser or a 2/3rd vote of the Landsraad.
d. The Arbiter will be the head of the Imperial Judex. e. The Precise operation and powers of the Judex and the Arbiter shall be specified by the Landsraad.
f. Neither the Arbiter, nor Imperial Judex may violate this Charter, Imperial Decree or the Lawbook.

Section B: Special Powers of The Arbiter

a. The Arbiter may overturn any act or resolution passed by the Landsraad should said act or resolution violate Imperial Decree or this Charter.
b. The Arbiter may, with unanimous consent of the Landsraad and the Prætor, nullify any order or decree of the Kaiser which violates this Charter. Neither the Kaiser nor Steward may participate in this vote.
c. Other than those specified, the Arbiter has no powers over the Kaiser.

Article IV: Amendments

Section A: Amending The Charter.

a. The Kaiser may make amendments to this Charter at anytime, with the approval of the Prætor and Arbiter. Should there be no Prætor, the Landsraad must immediately elect one. Should there be no Arbiter one must immediately be appointed.
b. This charter may not be abolished, dissolved or revoked.
c. All amendments to this Charter must be documented.

  • The most recent version of the charter was put into place by Kaiser Letifer II on, 2/15/2006 at 15:53.
  • From 27/10/2007 until 26/02/2008 the Imperial Charter was suspended by Kaiser Mors V and restored by his Steward, Jacobus Loki. Both actions had Praetor approval.
  • Kaiser Loki III with the support of Praetor Jonas amended the Charter 8/12/2008.