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The Ancient Ways have been practised uninterruptedly in Froyalan since times ancient beyond the memory of woman. No other customs of worship or religion has ever been able to challenge its hegemony, and those who tried were severely dealt with.
The Ancient Ways have been practised uninterruptedly in Froyalan since time immemorial. No other customs of worship or religion has ever been able to challenge its hegemony, and those who tried were severely dealt with.

Revision as of 17:07, 9 November 2015

The Froyalanish Ancient Ways, are the customs and beliefs - some modern, many ancient - connected with the worship of the Vanir Gods. The aforesaid customs and beliefs are very distinct to Froyalanish society.


The Ancient Ways have been practised uninterruptedly in Froyalan since time immemorial. No other customs of worship or religion has ever been able to challenge its hegemony, and those who tried were severely dealt with.


The people who practice the Ancient Ways are predominantly Vanatru and are therefore since times ancient beyond the memory of woman known as the Vanafolk. The vast majority of the human Vanafolk population are Vanamaðr and adhere to the Laws of the Vanir.

There are also several covenants between the Vanafolk and the Gods, the Ancient Covenant being the most famous and best-known of them, due to very pleasurable Divine gifts bestowed in accordance with the covenant aforesaid such as the Frjósemigjöf and the Elskendurgjöf.

Places of worship

The places where the Froyalanish Vanafolk worships depends very much on the time of the year, the weather and the climate of the part of Elwynn where they live. If the time of the year, the weather and the climate permit, they worship outside in their gardens, Godsgroves, Worship Waters, Stone Circles or other locations customarily used for worship; otherwise worship takes place within the home, in temples, or in other indoor venues.

Worshipping with whom

Aside from when worshipping solitary, Froyalanish practitioners of the Ancient Ways worship together with the members of their household, or friends and acquaintances, or members of a community they belong to. The worship may be led by any participant, even a young child.

Ways of worship

As worshipping is to the Froyalanish Vanafolk about connecting, communing, communicating and creating with the Vanir in a meaningful way, the only thing what matters to them when worshipping their Gods is that the acts of worship come straight from the heart. The Froyalanish practitioners of the Ancient Ways therefore worship in countless manners, including but not limited to, singing songs, performing rites and rituals, making offerings, reciting poetry, dancing, love-making, ritual combat or performing acts of labour.


The Ancient Ways dominate Froyalanish society and its matriarchal culture. Not only are the Ancient Ways practiced by the vast majority of the Froyalaners, but also by the vast majority of Froyalan's movers and shakers.

Spiritual Leadership

The Froyalanish Ancient Ways are ruled by a matriarchal council of its highest ranking High Priestesses. The council aforesaid is called the Jólaslafðir and has its seat at the Thingeyri Temple. It is led by the Yfirstormarksgythia, who is also the High Priestess of the Thingeyri Temple.


The priesthood in Elwynn is quite local in nature and is comprised of both men and women. Aside from the clergy belonging to one of the Thirteen Temples of Elwynn, priests and priestesses usually are devoted to a single God or Goddess and serve in a temple devoted to such deity. Due to the nature of worship of the Froyalanish Vanafolk the role of the priesthood is mostly limited to performing such ceremonies which by law are required to be performed by a cleric of a recognized religious body as well as very advanced rites and rituals.

Priestly Titles

The title of a priest is gothi; the title of a priestess is gythia. It is customary for clergy to affix the name of the deity they are devoted to, to their title. However, priests and priestesses of the Thirteen Temples and the Fulltrui Temples affix "Froyalans" to their titles.

A priest devoted to the Lord Divine Njord would therefore bear the title "Njordgothi" and a priestess belonging to one of the Thirteen Temples or a Fulltrui Temple will bear the title "Stormarksgythia".

The Thirteen Temples of Elwynn

The Thirteen Temples are thirteen Vanic temples which are all ancient beyond the memory of woman and which over time have become recognized as the senior temples of the Ancient Ways.

The Thirteen Temples are:


To the Froyalanish Vanafolk is being in the nude is, aside from being one of the great free customs of celebration of the Ancient Ways, a very honourable way to express one's gratitude to the Gods for creating the human race where they belong to and putting part of their Divine selves in them.

The Twelve Vanic Values

The Twelve Vanic Values are very deeply permeated in the ways of the Royal Family of Elwynn and in the daily lives of the Froyalanish practitioners of the Ancient Ways.

The Twelve Vanic Values are:

  • Place;
  • Power;
  • Peace;
  • Protection;
  • Pleasure;
  • Plenty;
  • Partnership;
  • Progress;
  • Pragmatism;
  • Participation;
  • Performance;
  • Pride.

Sacred Arts

There are several arts which are, since times ancient beyond the memory of woman, considered sacred by the Froyalanish Vanafolk. The aforesaid arts include dancing, spinning, archery, and gardening.