Register of Shirithian Sayings

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The Register of Shirithian Sayings is a collection of proverbs and "wisdoms" used in Shireroth. Whenever known, the origin of the phrase or proverb is noted.

List of Sayings

Saying Origin
Death spare. Wish of well-being. Often used in "Death spare the Kaiser" (analogous to other countries' "Long live the King").
Fortune guide (thee). Suthergoldian wish of goodwill popularised by King Ryker of Goldshire.
The Fury of the Lord is the Path to Salvation Icebearian saying, meant to justify the extensive use of violence propagated by the Church.
Heaven laughs at us with contempt, while we labour in the dust and fail. Saying from Shirekeep, most popular among the lower classes.
I Am Got The Chair! Spoken by Erik Mortis, upon being elected to the chair of the Tetrapole in Audentior.
Titles stick to an Ayreon like cum to a prostitute's hair. Phrase introduced after the tightening of the Imperial rule of the House of Ayreon.
Wherever there are Babkhans and people who are not Babkhans, there will be war. First written by Scott Alexander, subsequently applied to the Babkhi community in Shireroth.