Laqi language

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Laqi is a ConLang spoken by the overwhelming majority of citizens of the county of Modan-lach and in smaller numbers in Lywind and Ž. It is a recognised official language of the Barony of K'Tzuni. Believed to have originated from dialects spoken by Khaz-Modanians in ancient times, Laqi is designed to have a Turkic appearance in its vocabulary, its alphabet designed greatly on those used by the Soviets in the 1920s for languages such as Tuvinian and Azeri. The first work on Laqi was started by Maksym Hadjimehmetov under the reign of Kaiser Mors V. A Laqi Phrasebook and basic grammar are currently being compiled.

Geographical Distribution
Official Status


Laqi syntax and grammar has been heavily influenced by the calques of numerous Indo-European languages, sharing similarities in conjugation, case utilisation, and personal pronouns with both the Slavic and Germanic branches of that language family. However, unusually for a language of Indo-European influence, Laqi is Kazakh is generally verb-final, though various permutations on SOV word order can be used depending on dialect and context. The usage of personal pronouns and conjugation is also comparable to the Altaic family tree, however, with the Turkic system of suffix addition being employed widely across the Laqi language to conjugate verbs. Unusually, as well as a singular and plural form of nouns, Laqi also maintains a dual form- found also in Slovenian- which is widely used. Colloquially, the plural form is often not used, instead repeating the noun twice, hyphenated, as in Indonesian and Malay.


Laqi has five cases. Case endings are applied to the last ending of a noun or adjective. These cases are the Nominative (subject), Accusative (direct object), Genitive (possessive), Dative(indirect object), and Instrumental (comitative).

Declension of nouns
Case Morpheme Possible forms кеме "ship" ауа "air" шелек "bucket" сәбіз "carrot" бас "head" тұз "salt"
Nom кеме ауа шелек сәбіз бас тұз
Acc -NI -ні, -ны, -ді, -ды, -ті, -ты, -н кемені ауаны шелекті сәбізді басты тұзды
Gen -NIŋ -нің, -ның, -дің, -дың, -тің, -тың кеменің ауаның шелектің сәбіздің бастың тұздың
Dat -GA -ге, -ға, -ке, -қа, -не, -на кемеге ауаға шелекке сәбізге басқа тұзға
Loc -DA -де, -да, -те, -та кемеде ауада шелекте сәбізде баста тұзда
Abl -DAn -ден, -дан, -тен, -тан, -нен, -нан кемеден ауадан шелектен сәбізден бастан тұздан
Inst -Men -мен(ен) -бен(ен) -пен(ен) кемемен ауамен шелекпен сәбізбен баспен тұзбен

Writing System

The Laqi alphabet is generally phoenetic, though there are regional variations in Upper Lach (see Modan-lach) and stress changes according to gender endings of adjectives and nouns. Unlike some of the Turkic languages which it is based on, there is no vowel harmony. The alphabet consists of thirty letters, seven of which are vowels.

  • A- ‘a’ as in apple
  • B- hard ‘b’ as in bet
  • C- ‘ts’ or ‘tz’ as in kibbutz
  • D-‘d’ as in ‘dot’
  • E- acute ‘e’ as in French soufflé
  • G- hard ‘g’ as in great
  • I- ‘ee’ as in need
  • J- ‘y’ as in year
  • K- ‘k’ as in kill
  • L- ‘l’ as in lemon
  • Ł- as in the Polish- soft English ‘w’ as in where
  • M- ‘m’ as in meat
  • N- ‘n’ as in nearly
  • Ŋ- ‘ny’ as in Chechnya
  • O- short ‘o’ as in lot
  • Ө- ‘oe’ as in German ö
  • P- ‘p’ as in party
  • R- ‘r’ as in really
  • S- ‘s’ as in simple
  • Š- ‘sh’ as in sharp
  • T- ‘t’ as in toast
  • U- ‘oo’ as in good
  • Ə- short ‘u’ as in tug
  • V- German ‘v’ (i.e soft ‘v’)
  • X- ‘ch’ as in cheese
  • Ҳ- ‘kh’ as in loch
  • Ь- clips preceeding vowel or consonant short
  • Z- ‘z’ as in zebra
  • Ž- soft ‘zh’ or the ‘su’ in leisure