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County of Jugenskaja

[[Image:{{{coat of arms}}}|100px]]

Feudal Status: County
Capital: Jugensk
Largest Cities: Jugensk

Local Leadership Title: The Count
Local Government: Laschist Autocracy (Laqi Populist)
Current leader: Nickolas Turner

Local language: English, Laqi
Local Religion: Orthodox,Cedrism & Jewish minorities

History & Culture

The County of Jugenskaja is a relatively new county. A central county within the Barony of K'Tzuni, it is land locked and is currently maintained by Count Nickolas Turner.

Thousands of years ago (around 12 ASC), a nomadic tribe resided here called the Juuk's, which roughly translates into southern peoples in their native language. The tribe itself was nomadic, but found the rich farmland of this land to be superior to that of the surrounding land. For the next thousand years, mingling with neighboring tribes and civilizations the modern people of Jugenskaja came about.

The Juuks became known for their fine metal work, as natural deposits of chromium were found throughout the land. Lavish statues, jewelry and other trinkets made the Juuks a center of great wealth and trade. Northern tribes traded their gold for the Juuks artistry, thus allowing them to incorporate gold into their works, as seen below.


The small statuette of a Juuk chieftain above is made of pure chromium with gold accents, and probably one of the most valuable items found in recent excavations; dated around 49 ASC.

By the mid 70's a trade route was established with people from the northern Benacia region, bringing hearty grains to the Juuks. This in turn gave the Juuks a reputation for distilling fine spirits of exceptional strength.

Late 90's ASC

As the Juuks grew in numbers they spread throughout most of what is now Jugenskaja, some of the surrounding counties such as eastern Highpass, southern and central Caverden and small portions of northern most Lywind. In times before Shireroth, the Juuk Empire was feared by most neighboring tribes for their feirce warriors and rather modern siege machines.

Early 100's & Just Befor The Founding of Shireroth

In 102 ASC, Central tribes began rising in power, and over took the Juuks when they tried to conquer what is now Woodshire. While the Juuks suffered a great defeat at the hands of the central tribes, this gave birth to a federation of tribes.

As always, the Juuks came to dominate, holding the most authority in the elder councils. Essentially they believed they alone possessed the divine right to rule through their holiest of Gods H'Graa. They eventually dominated the lands once again, and much of what is now modern Brookshire.

In 264 Shireroth was founded, and through various conquests, the Juuks were defeated once again. However, their culture is still preserved throughout modern Jugenskaja, as 90% of its citizens are decedents of the old Juuks.